Part 18

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Paige POV

"Good morning sleepy head" I say throwing pillows on Harry. We're going to the lake today but I know he's not a morning person so I decided to go to their house and make him wake up myself.

"I'm up, I'm up" he says waving his hands. He's now seated on his bed with his hair brushed all over his face.

"Stop staring" he smirked.

"Dream on" I giggled, I know I was but can you blame me, he's such a sight especially looking like this.

"I'll wait for you downstairs."

Susan is busy in the kitchen, stuffing the things that we'll need in the basket. She's somewhat excited with the idea of Harry and me together.

"I'm sorry if I have to steal your son again, I know he hardly visits"

"Oh you don't have to dear, I'm even thankful he got to spend another weekend here this month and thats thanks to you.

"Why won't you stay in his place so you could see him more often?" I ask, after all I think its a brilliant idea.

"His place?"

"The one in..." I was interrupted when Harry shove a banana in my mouth.

"Lets get going" he says while I hit him in the arm. Asshole.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask him as he's driving to our destination.

"They don't know."

"Don't know what?"

"About that place, no one's been there, no one knows except you" he says.

"So if someone would sneak in that place I only have one suspect" he continues and I hit him again. I'm happy that he shared his place to me, I somewhat feel important.

The lake is still breathtaking. Its a piece of heaven on earth. The water is so clear, the trees that surrounded it untouched and you could only hear the sound of birds chirping. Sounds like one of the places I've read in books but it really is. We've been swimming here ever since I can remember. We accidentally discovered it when Harry and I were following a bunny we saw in the woods and later it became our place, our getaway. We assume no one's been there since it really is secluded, so declared it our place.

I'm setting up the food in the table while Harry is preparing for a swim, he's such a sucker with bodies of water. When he approach me I stop and stare, its the first time in a long time I saw him like this, topless with only boardshorts on. God, he really has abs, I wonder how it feels like to run my tongue all over it. And the tattoos, I know he has in his arms but now I can see some in his chest and stomach. He moves closer, inches to me, looking deep into my eyes. I could feel his breath, I could smell all of him, its like we're wrap in a bubble and the space is getting smaller. I lick my lips, coz my mouth is too dry.

"You're so beautiful" he says tucking my hair behind my ears. I couldn't say anything, the moments too perfect for me to ruin it.

"Can I ask for a kiss?" Harry said. A kiss? I haven't kissed Harry, not even once. Is this one of his prank, but he looks serious. Whats wrong with a kiss Paige? my innerself says. What if I can't stop myself? What if he'll change his mind towards me coz I'm not a good kisser? What if my breath stinks? Wait, I did brush my teeth earlier so I'm pretty sure it doesn't. My mind is clouded with so many questions.

"Just one" he continued. Give him what he wants, my innerself tells me, but I can't.

"Stop messing with me Styles."

"Its okay, I understand" he says. Shit! Its just a freakin' kiss Paige, nothing more nothing less, I say to myself. As he was about to leave, I grabbed his arm stopping him, then when he turn back his lips meet mine. The world around us seems to fade, all I could feel is the heat exploding like fireworks. I slightly open my mouth to taste him more. I've kissed a guy before but this is way beyond different, as he deepens the kiss my heart was racing. Its the sweetest I've ever tasted. How can a kiss feels so much, then he stops. My eyes still close wanting more, I couldn't get enough. When I open my eyes he looks at me like I'm the only girl in the world and I know to myself, I'll never love another man but him. Harry smiled at me and I can feel the blush in my face.

"I could die happy now." he said.

Then he scoop me in his arms my ass in the air. What a crazy change of events.

"Put me down Styles!" I yelled, but the next thing I knew, I was already in the water. I burst into laughters. He is crazy, we are crazy. I can feel Harry jump into the water and I swim as fast as I can away from him coz I know he's going to grab my feet under. But he didn't, instead he hugged me from behind, wrapping me in his arms tightly. It feels so good. He's warmth is my sanctuary.

"You're the most incredible thing that ever happen to me Paige." he whispers in my ear.

"Thank you."

We spend the whole day talking and laughing but never mentioning the kiss. I wonder what it means to him. I wanted to ask, but I don't want to make a big deal out of it, coz maybe I'm reading all the signs wrong again.

"Do you know that I'm having another sibling?" he ask

"Your mom's pregnant?"

"What? No, no, no not that.. They're adopting."

"Really? That's so nice of them."

"You think its okay?"

"Absolutely, why?" If my parents wants to adopt, I'd surely be up for that. I've always dreamt of having a baby sister.

"I just think they're a little old to be taking care of a baby."

"Of course not. They are going to do great Harry, just like what they did with you and Gem."

"I don't know." he says throwing stones in the water.

"You don't like kids do you?"


"What if you'll get married and your wife wants one?"

"You want one?" he says looking at me. I think I'm gonna vomit. Good thing I can't carry him on my shoulder coz I'd do what he did to me earlier to change the subject.

"Paige do you want one?" he asks again.

"Yes and I'm sure your future wife wants one too, coz its a girl's dream to have children at the right time" I say emphasizing the future wife.

"Well, then we'll have two or three."

"Two or three what?"

"Children, coz you said you want one."

"I said your future wife."

"I'm going to marry you someday Paige, I don't know how it will happen, but I know it will." This whole conversation is going somewhere awkward.

"Of course, if next time Kate's suicide attempt will be successful then why not." I joke

"Very funny" he says sarcastically and I ended up laughing.

We went home after sunset, both exhausted but with smiles on our faces. As Harry walk me to our door, I stop and look at him. We've been through a lot all this years and I've always long for the day that he will feel the same way for me. I love him so much that it hurts to be this close yet so far from him.

"I had fun babe."

"Me too, thank you for spending another day with me"

"I told you I'll find time"

I kiss his cheek goodnight. I don't want this day to end.

"I love you Harry" I say and I storm my way inside the house, before he laughs at my face for saying silly things. Good thing my dad will take me back tomorrow, coz I don't know if I'll be able to face him.

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