The Common Room

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Later that evening in the common room I sit on the couch with Harry and Ron beside her.

".... Then Malfoy kissed me!" Ron looked shocked then angry then he turn to me.

"WHAT DID HE DO!" I stared at him in shock at Ron.

"He...he. kissed me thinking I wouldn't tell you guy. Obviously he was wrong."

"Ok I get that but why in all the flipping world are you SMILING!?" Crap I didn't know I was smiling. Now they will think I like him! Not that it isn't true. "Did you want more! Did you like it!" That got awful fast.

I rolled me eyes fuming. "No Ron, how would I, no, could I ever like somebody like Malfoy. The boy that calls me Mudblood and Granger all the damn time!? Why should I like him when I don't." Ron looked relieved at that news.

Then I spotted it, bright pink lipstick that only one person in the world would wear..... Lavender! "Ron are you cheating on me?" I quietly asked Ron in a whisper.

Ron looked horrified," No! No! No no no no no no no no no! Why would I cheat on you?! You are the best thing to happen to me! " Then he covered the lipstick and ran up to his dorm. 

Harry then came up and sat next to me again and sighed asking," What made Ron run away? What happened?" Harry looked alarmed to see me start to cry.

Then I answered in a small meek voice," I think he is cheating on me, Harry." Then Harry Potter the chosen one was at a lose for words. "I-I-I-I-I need to talk to Ginny I'll be back Harry," I said running out of the common room, about to cry.

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