Detention With Draco

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Monday was fine until potions. We got new partners and I got none other than Draco. Not wanting to talk to him we accidentally brooded the love potion again earning us a detention.

I muttered to him," Thanks Malfoy! You got us in trouble!"


I cut him off," Stop it Malfoy! Stop calling me by my first name."

"Okay fine. Granger, we weren't talking to each other so it was fair and we both deserve a detention."

I saw his point because he used fact and sense something neither Harry or Ron seemed to have. I said," I guess you're right."

Latter that night I made my way to the potions classroom where we were to meet for detention. 

"For your detention you will be learning about each other and doing homework." Slughorn said then left the room.

"Well I guess we will be here for a while," I said.

"Yah I guess."

"So do you want to talk or do homework?" I asked the Malfoy heir.

He replied," I geuss talk seeing as I don't have my homework."

" We could play a game of truth or dare?" I suggested and Draco looked eager to play.

"Sure I'll go first. Hermione truth or dare?" Draco asked.

" Um, truth," I told him.

He asked," First boyfriend?"

"Krum. Truth or dare?"


" I dare you to do something you would never do," I told him and he came and french kissed me.

"Done. Truth or dare?" he asked me.

"Dare." Oh no I'm gonna regret that!   

"I dare you to remove an article of clothes." 

 I removed my sweater and said," Okay, truth or dare?"

"Truth," the Malfoy heir said.

"Um, are you in love with someone?" I asked.

"Yes. Truth or dare?"

It went on like this for more than 1 hour. 

Slughorn came in to see the Malfoy heir laughing with me and said," Well your detention is over for today. I will see you tomorrow."

"What!?" I asked.

"You heard me Miss Granger. You will be severing detentions for the rest of the week. Of course not including Sunday and Saturday!" Slughorn laughed at their expressions.

"Yes Sir," I told him as I made my climb up to my dorm.

The rest of the detentions were either filled with homework or truth or dare. To be honest Draco and I liked playing truth or dare so only one night was taking for homework. Then the weekend came quickly and it bit hem in the arse. They ended up helping each other with homework.

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