The Worst Day Ever!

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I woke up the next morning with flashbacks to Lavender and Ron in bed. I shuddered and got my clothes and headed to the bathroom. I got dressed in a flash and made my way down to the common room, to just run back up to my dorm. Ron and Lavender were snogging in the corner again and it sent tears straight to my eyes.

"Why? Why? First Draco in potions and then Ron and Lavender!?" I started to cry by myself in the dorm.

The day went by and I was in a shell from yesterday's events. It was just awful yesterday, but compared to today it was nothing. I was then walking to the room and go stopped by none other than The Malfoy Heir and his "group of friends" and tried to get away. They just kept blocking my path and the bitch Pansy shoved me down on the ground getting laughs from all the Slytherins.

Then Pansy said," Draco, can we curse her?" Crap will I need to fight? The answer was yes.

"Yes go ahead and do as you please to the mudblood," he said the ice cold words with no emotion.

Pansy let out a little laugh and said," Crucio!" and my insides started to burn and feel like they were turning inside out! She thankful lifted the curse just to put another one on me saying," Impeiro!" Now this is one of the worst because I was at her control and what she made me do! She waved her wand and I was on Draco again! They all laughed when she waved her wand for me to kiss him then her! Like I would ever do that in real life! She let the curse go thankfully and left.

I made my way up and got my wand and said my first curse," Crucio!" she fell on the floor withering.

Draco then disarmed me and cursed me. Pansy got up and hexed me, kicked me, and cursed me again. They all laughed leaving me there bleeding and breathing harshly. Pansy turned around and said," Get up and I will curse you again and again till you git it! You do anything so much as look at me or Draco in a bad way you will pay!" With that she left and I stood up and limped to the Gryffindor common room.

"Hermione what happened!?" Ginny asked as she rushed up to me, taking in all my injuries.

I answered in a small voice," Parkinson and Malfoy." I didn't need to say anymore than that so she could understand what I meant.

She then yelled," I'm gonna curse their lips off!" At that I laughed I knew she was serous with it but, I just couldn't help laughing.

I ended up going to dinner which I regretted. Pansy kept her eyes on me and Draco. Then out of nowhere I fell on the floor an instantly knew what was happening, the cruciatus curse.

Harry rushed up to me saying," Hermione! Hermione are you okay?" With me not answering him everyone besides Pansy looked worried. She waved her wand and I could feel relief from that. It was truly

 the worst day ever!

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