Dress Shopping With Slytherins

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We went downstairs to find Narcissa.

"Morning Narcissa," we chorused.

"Well, are we all ready to go shopping?" She asked.

"YES!!!" we girls screamed. The boys just stood there astonished at how loud we can be. "What?" we all asked.

"Nothing," Blaise said shaking his head. 

"Well then. We shall apparat. Everyone hold hands," Narcissa told us. I grabbed Ginny and Draco's hands, Draco grabbed Narcissa's, Narcissa grabbed Pansy's, and Blaise grabbed Pansy's and Ginny's hands.

Once he grabbed Ginny's hand he blushed a bright red as did Ginny. We then apparated to Hogsmeade and Ginny almost throw up. Blaise rushed after Ginny when she rushed to throw up. When they didn't return after ten minutes we went looking for them. When we found them they were snogging each other's face off.

Draco whistled at the sight and said," Mate, you better stop before you snog her face off."

They backed away from each other panting and deep red. Blaise then asked," How much did you see?"

I snickered and said," Bro! we saw a lot! Also Blaise, even though you are my brother, if you hurt her in any way I will personally kill you. That goes the same to you Ginny."

 They blushed again and then the girls, Ginny, Narcissa, Pansy, and I, went a seppart way from the boys.

We walked until we found the first shop, which was the shop were I found my dress for the Yule Ball at. Narcissa, Pansy, and Ginny eagerly looked for dresses, once I told them that, but none of us found a dress.

We raided all the dress stores in Hogsmeade yet we all came up empty for our dress. We met the boys at the Three Broomsticks and they had all their stuff. It was not fair at all! How comes they have all their stuff and we can't find anything that suits us?

"Hey, why don't we help you guys look," Draco suggested. "I can help Hermione find something, Blaise can help Pansy and Ginny find something, and Father you can help Mum find something." 

"I think it's a great idea!" Pansy screeched. So we all apparated to Diagon Alley and the pairs went our separate ways. Ginny was probably snogging Blaise right now. 

Draco took me to this really nice store and picked out dresses I would never pick out.

"Hermione, try these on," Draco told me.

I tried them on and I finally choose one after three hours of searching and yelling. We then apparated to Malfoy manor and when we got there everyone was there.

"Hey Pansy and Ginny," I said.

"Did you find a dress?" Pansy asked.

"Yep!" I said sounding quite happy.

"Hey since the ball is happening tomorrow why don't you go and practice your looks?" Narcissa asked.

"That is such a great idea!" Ginny exclaimed as she dragged Pansy and I up the long winding stairs to a guest room. "Hermione go in the bathroom and put on your dress. After that come here and show us and Pansy and I will do your makeup and hair."

I rushed into the restroom and slid my dress on and rushed right back out. Ginny gasped at the dress and Pansy stood there shocked. 

"What?" I asked.

"What!? What!? You look absolutely beautiful! Ron will be absolutely jealous!" Pansy exclaimed while dragging me toward a stool with a covered mirror. All the mirrors were covered and Pansy started on my makeup while Ginny did my hair hair.

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