The Talk With Ginny

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I ran out of the common room and to the Great Hall to find Ginny. I flagged her down to talk to her and tell her my suspicions about Ron. " Ginny! I need to talk to you," Ginny looked up. Though she is my best friend she doesn't know about my crush on Draco.

"What is it Hermione?" Ginny looked down at the book she was reading. Then I didn't want to tell her. I was dating her brother, and her bother might be cheating on me. Ginny looked up at me again and this time she marked her page in her book. Giving me her full attention.

"Um..," I didn't know how to put it that I thought that her brother was cheating on me. Then I blurted everything out," I think Ron is cheating on me!" This made me break down.

"Hermione," Ginny said in a soothing tone and rubbing my back in circles," Ron can't be cheating on you. You are the best thing to happen to him! And if he did happen to be cheating on you I would hex his face off."

That made me feel a lot better.

"Thanks Ginny," I said in a shaky voice, as none other than Harry Potter walks in.

Harry calls over to us," What is going on!? Ron ran back to the dorm and said I couldn't come in." Then he spotted me," Wait," he paused," Hermione how are you here and not with Ron?" I was completely caught off guard.

"What do you mean Harry!?" Ginny asked.

"Harry, I told you that was coming to find Ginny not go find Ron." I said rolling my eyes." Can't you listen?"

Harry looked taken aback at my retort, then said," I just thought that you ran into him and were in his and my dorm because I heard snogging noises and moaning!" Harry took a second to process this then he looked angry.

Me on the other hand, I was about to break down again. But, it came to me that he was probably  with her, Lavender. I ran out of the Great Hall tears falling from my eyes.

I ran into some one. I didn't know who it was but I felt safe so I completely broke down.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I recognized the voice.

"W-w-w-w-w-why would y-y-y-y-y-you care?" I asked inbtween sobs.

"Well you are crying in my arms, Hermione," Draco said.

"Well it's none of your business. Wait did you just call me Hermione!?" I was shocked and I looked up to his face.

"I did."


I let it go and walked away from the scene with Ron following me.

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