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The next morning was not pleasant. I had a hangover and the Weasleys were still over.

"Hey Hermione!" Ron called to me clearly still drunk.

"Yes Ron?" I asked the red haired boy walk drunkenly over to me.

"I love you!" at that everyone turned to look at the disgusted look on my face as he tried to kiss me.

"Ron! I don't love you! I'm dating Draco!" I yelled at Weasel.

"What? Nevermind," he said as he pinned me to the wall and kissed me.

"Ronald!" I barely got out as he kissed me again fighting to get his tongue in my mouth. I tried to pull away and to get hm off me.

He pulled away and smiled saying," I know you want me."

I gasped in surprise and he took the chance to kiss me. I gagged in degust and pushed him and ponded on his chest.

When I finally got him off of me I through up. Then yelled," HOW DARE YOU! Y-Y-YOU WEASEL!" at that everyone gasped at my outburst. I continued," HOW DARE YOU KISS ME! I'M DATING DRACO AND I'M HAPPY! YOU'RE DATING LAVENDER! WELL NOT ANYMORE I HOPE! NOBODY DESERVES A CHEATER LIKE YOU WEASEL! NOT EVEN VOLDEMORT!" with that I ran into my, and Draco's, room while everyone shuttered at the mention of you-know-whos name.

"Hermione you need to come out," I heard Harry.

"NO! THE WEASEL TRIED TO KISS ME!" I screamed and heard Harry leave returning with four other people.

"Hermione please come out." I knew the voice and raced to the door to see my boyfriend. I sobbed into his chest until I had no more tears to cry.

"D-D-D-Draco a-a-are y-y-you m-m-mad a-a-at m-me?" I stuttered.

"No! Of course not! If anything I'm angry with Weasel!" He told me to calm me down a little. We went downstairs and I retreated behind Draco at the sight of still drunk Ron. I was gonna hex him until he only had an inch of life once he was sober. 

"Draco what day is it?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"Sunday.... Oh! Your little curse!"

"Why Sundays? Why is it always Sundays?" I groaned, burying my face in his shirt.

"What did you do to have Sunday hate you so much?"

"Draco! I did nothing! Well actually the man I loved, before you or Weasel, broke up with me in the worse way ever!" I told them and buried my face deeper into Draco chest and sobbed.

"'mione why didn't you tell us?" Ginny asked.

"I-I-I-I w-w-was em-em-embarrassed and I-I-I h-h-hated l-l-life at th-th-the t-t-time. D-D-Draco was be-be-being m-m-mean, c-c-cruel and r-r-rude! A-a-and on t-t-top of th-th-that R-R-Ron w-was always y-y-yelling at m-m-me. I w-w-was h-h-hit in th-the head with de-de-depression!"  I said in between sobbes.

"Hermione. Calm down. I want to know his name and what he did," Draco told me.

"W-w-why?" I asked.

"Well if you could see yourself now, he ruined you so I want to ruin his life to show him what you feel," with that Fred left, George quickly following. "I think I might know my answer," Draco said with that famous Malfoy smirk." All I need to know is which Weasley twin did it and what they did."

"Come with me!"I said as I pulled Draco to our room. "It wasn't them. It was a muggle."

"Dang it!" Draco cursed.

"Draco! The muggle was three years older and and he told me he loved me and we dated and then without my permission he kissed me and pinned me to a wall. He started to slip my shirt off. But to my relief someone pulled him off me. I kicked him but he already ruined my life!" I went on and after I told my boyfriend the whole thing I regretted it. 

He stormed downstairs and his parents asked the question I was afraid to ask," Are you ok?"

"No mother! Hermione hid something she shouldn't have!" he yelled.

"And what might that be?" Ron asked with a sneer.

"Ronald stop it! You never should have come and you know it! Why are you acting like this?" I yelled at Ron." Bloody hell! You have acted like this since I started dating Draco! This needs to stop!" I was screaming now. " Weasel get out and don't come back!" I ordered and the Malfoys looked at me in shock at my outburst.

"Hermione calm down," Narcissa tried to calm me.

"Not until the bloody idiot is out of this house! He bloody cheated on me and thought to kiss me! He thought to hurt my boyfriend!" I screamed.

"What!? How did you know I was thinking about?" Ron asked.

I was feeling weird and ran up into the bathroom in me and Draco's room. I tried to sort through my feelings. I felt betrayed, scared, worried, and lonely though happy and different. I looked in the mirror and let a blood curdling screamed out.




I have been told to stop with the cliffhangers but I say," NEVER!" I think cliffhangers make a story interesting and fun. Anticipating. I will let you know I suffer writers block and without my cliffhangers I won't have a good way to start another interesting chapter. In a couple of days I'll be gone from Wattpad and won't be able to see anything for a couple hours. I shall not speak of the reason why. I just want to let you, my readers know. I hope you are enjoying this fanfiction and I would like to thank J.K Rowling for the book series Harry Potter to help me with ideas. The characters are not my by the way. I own none of the characters! Thanks for reading.


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