The Burrow

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I knocked at the door. It opened to reveal Lavender.

"Hermione you're here!" Lavender said as she pulled me into a hug. 

I looked at Draco and Draco started," Lavender, please get off my girlfriend I want to finish our kiss."

Lavender let out a small gasp of surprise and let go of me so Draco could come over," Thanks." I told the Malfoy heir and kissed him.

We went inside to see all the Weasleys and The Chosen One and Lavender. All of us looked at Lavender and Ron in degust. 

Molly Weasley came over so she could introduce herself to my boyfriend." Hello," she started," I'm Molly Weasley. This is my home. Now who are you?"

Nobody in the Weasley family besides the kids that still went to school knew it was Draco. So being polite he answered," I'm Draco Malfoy."

Molly looked shocked that a Malfoy was in her home. "Hermione? Is he your boyfriend? If not I'm sorry but his isn't allowed in here."

"Calm down Molly. Draco is my boyfriend." I told the witch and Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Percy, and Molly looked at me in shock.

"Hermione? You are dating a Malfoy! How did this happen?" Charlie asked.

"Ask Ronald," I told them. They turned to look at Ron and he ran up the stairs with Lavender.

"Bugger! Hermione just tell us," pleaded Percy.

"Fine. Ronald cheated on me with Lavender. I found out in potions. Lavender took the potion we were making and Ron didn't. He started to kiss Lavender and ended up rolling around on the floor." Everyone besides me and my boyfriend gasped at that.

Draco continued," I was being rude to her afterwards because she said my first name though it sounded nice. Pansy kept cursing her and I did nothing to help Hermione or help Pansy. I fell in love with Hermione. When Pansy got in trouble it was the best time so I asked her to the Halloween ball and she said yes! Ron was mad and had asked her before while still dating Lavender to go and had implied sex afterwards. That night I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes and Ronald was really mad and hexed her. Then she kept fainting. She is now staying at Malfoy Manor with us."

"Draco do you really love Hermione?" Arthur asked Draco.

"Yes sir. With all my heart and more. I won't make her choose between me and Ron though Ron is. I want her to be happy and if she feels happier with Ron I'll let her go to him. If she feels happier with me I will gladly have her." This made me really happy that I pulled him in for a kiss.

"Guys? Snap out of it! It's time for lunch," Ginny told us.

I pulled away and said," Fine Ginny. Raincheck Draco to tonight?"

"Yes my dear," and with that Draco picked me up in a bridal carry and carried me towards the dining room. 

"Draco! Put me down!" I laughed.

"Not unless you want the twins to carry you!" we laughed as we entered the dining room and everyone looked at us.

"Lunch was delicious, Molly," I told the witch and turned to Draco." What do you say? We act like Gryffindors in this house."

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley for the meal," Draco said and everyone looked at him in shock that he just said thank you.

"Your welcome dear. Also please call me Molly," the witch requested.

"Ok. Molly you and your family is invited to Malfoy Manor tomorrow for a Christmas Ball." Molly looked pleased at the news and thanked Draco.

Molly and some of the other Weasleys went to Diagon Alley to get gifts for the Malfoys and dresses for tomorrow. Me, Draco, Harry, and Ron stayed. It was going to be a nightmare. So before anything could happen I said," Draco let's go take a nap."

"But Weasel's here!" Draco complained.

"I know. That's why we need to leave!" I stressed. He then followed me to a room where we just sat and talked until we heard the floo. We raced down the stairs as we heard more people arriving.

We saw gifts wrapped and everything and it was time for dinner. The Malfoy Heir picked me up and then set me down at the table. Weasel made dinner today. Me and Draco made sure it wasn't poisoned and we ate. After everyone was finished me and Draco said thanks and left to go home. We entered without knocking and regretted it.




 Jillian or Jilliejana here. Read the next chapter to find out what happens at the Christmas ball!

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