Malfoy Manor

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When I was allowed to go Narcissa, Lucius, Draco, and I went to Hogsmeade and apperated to Malfoy Manor.

"Draco, please show Hermione her room," Narcissa told her son.

Draco grabbed my hand then turned around to ask Narcissa and Lucius," Wait do you mean the room opposite mine or my room?"

They laughed and Lucius said," Ask Hermione!"

"Hermione?" Draco asked and I kissed him." I think the answer is yes," and he pulled me towards the huge doors. He pushed them open to reveal a beautiful living room. Then we turned into a hallway and went up some stairs and they went through a maze of hallways that I would never remember.

Then Draco opened a door into a large room with a window and black curtains. A dark wood four post bed was in a corner with a dark green bedspread. It had a walk in closet and something was conjuring itself over in the corner. It was a makeup mirror and stool. The room was dark but beautiful.

"Draco this is beautiful!" I told my boyfriend.

"I knew you would like it," he said smirking." I got the Slytherin in you to come out. My parents know about that."

"What did I say in my sleep?" I asked the Malfoy heir.

He chuckled," You said a lot of curse words, hexs, and that you love me."

"NO! I did not!" I wined. " Was on a sunday?"

"Yes it was," Draco thought back to the event," Why?"

"Oh it's just on ever Sunday something happens. Like two weeks in a row I was cursed. Or how the Weasley twins carried me in a bridal carry on Sundays. Or-" I was cut off quickly by Draco kissing me. I pulled away and told him," It isn't very nice to cut someone off like that Draco."

At that Draco pulled me into his bed and kissed me everywhere he could. Then before anything could get to out of hand I held up my hand and he got the message asking," Raincheck?"

"Oh yes," I said planting a long kiss on his lips.

Then, since I was on top, Draco flipped over and held my hands on place. Then he started kissing me everywhere he could and then kissed my lips. The kiss was amazing. We stopped when we heard a cough at the door followed shortly after with laughter.

"Is this what you guys are gonna do all night?" Lucius asked us then laughed drawing ation to Narcissa laughing with him.

"Anyways it is time for dinner," Narcissa told us and we got up quickly and went to the dinning room.

Narcissa or Lucius made a wonderful meal. It consisted of meatloaf, corn bread, muffins, green beans, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, and salad, It was amazing.

"Thank you Narcissa and Lucius for letting me stay here and feeding me."

"Hermione, there is no need to say thanks to us. We did it for Draco. He loves you so we will love you. Also there is no need to act nice because we act like Slytherins here." Lucius told me and I nodded. Then Draco took my wrist and lead the way to our room.

When we got into our room he me onto the bed and slipped my skirt off while I undid his buttons to his shirt. Soon we were naked in Malfoy Manor. 

"Draco you should put a locking charm and silencing charm on the door and room."

"Good idea, baby."

He did that and got back into bed. We had a very restless night with sex at least six times an hour. When we went done stairs I was more Slytherin than ever and was just like the Malfoys. I showed no emotion to anyone at the table besides my lover. Narcissa and Lucius seemed pleased with the way I was changing.

Later I got an owl from the Weasleys inviting me to dinner on Christmas eve and asked Narcissa if I could and she said," You may as long as you are back for my Christmas ball. Your friends will be invited to." After she said this I tried to smile but it turned to a smirk.

The week with the Malfoys was actually fun and the day before the dinner it turned to a day and Draco was invited. Narcissa said yes and on Christmas eve at 10 am, me and Draco apparated to the burrow. I knocked to see on of the worst people on the planet.




 Jilliejane here. hope you are liking this story so far. I hope you like cliffhangers! Read the next chapter to find out who it is.

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