An Unexpected Visitor

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It was the day of the ball and us girl were taking forever, as the boys said, to get ready. I mean we had makeup and hair and outfits! We finally finished and walked down the steps of Malfoy Manor.

The ball room was amazing to say the least. The room had banners that were colored green and silver. It had a dinning hall and snow falling from the roof but never touching the dancers. The music was a waltz and it was beautiful.

All of a sudden I fell a hand gripping my side. I turn to see my 'protector' and it happens to be Ron!

"Ronald, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Protecting my object. What else would I be doing?" he asked like it should be obvious.

"Ron, one I'm not an object. Two I'm not dating you. Three, you cheated on me. Four, I'm dating Draco, " I tell the boy while I shove off his arm." Get the hell away from me!"

He fought back and now had me turned around to face him." No!" He sneered in my face.

"Weasel! Get off my girlfriend! Unless you want to be hexed!" Draco shouted over all the music and chatter. Ron let me go. I took in as much air as I could until I calmed down. Draco walked over to me and whispered in my ear," Upstairs now! I need to see what Weasel did to you."

I refused because I didn't want Draco Malfoy to see me half naked! When I refused, though, he picked me up in a bridal carry and carried me upstairs to our room. 

He slipped my dress off and looked at my waist and cursed." Bloody hell! Hermione do you bruise easily?" The Malfoy heir asked.

"No. Why?"

"Well, umm, look in the mirror," Draco told me. I look in the mirror and nearly scream. I don't bruise that easily but it was bad. My stomach and shoulders had bruises everywhere. What was worse is that Blaise decided to come in .

"Bloody hell! Hermione! Did Weasel do that to you?" I nodded yes. "He is so dead!" Blaise screamed.

"Blaise! Calm down! I'm killing Weasel!" I shouted at my older brother.

I walk out of the room to the bathroom to change into a new outfit. I walk back out and see him.

"What the hell, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Looking for you."

"Well you found me! Now get out!"

"No. Not yet at least."

"What can you do that will top what you did years ago? Just leave me alone!" I reach for my wand to be ready but he was faster.


I felt my legs clamp together as do my arms. I can only look around. I can't talk or shout for help.

I hear a burst at the door and a shout," GET AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND YOU SICKO!"

I hear shouts, bumping, and another person enter the room. Then Draco comes into my vision and asked," Can you move?"

I couldn't answer and he took it as a no so he noverbaly said the counter curse. I take a huge breath and hug Draco and Blaise.

"Did you guys expect him?" I ask.

"No he is an unexpected visitor!" Draco said angrily.

"Good to know."

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