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The next day Pansy did nothing and in fact no Slytherin said anything or did anything to me! Was it calm? No of course not they must be planning. 

I entered the great hall and located Harry and Ginny. I was disgusted that Ron came over with Lavender. I pulled my wand out going to warn them to leave when they just past us. Then I started to talk to Ginny and Harry," Have any of the Slytherins done anything to you today?" 

They just shook their heads and Harry answered," None! It is weird. Why 'mione?"

"Oh well Parkinson was cursing me yesterday and promised me that I was gonna get hurt more," I said as I shrugged.

"Wait what?" Harry's eyes went as wide an elephant," They cursed you!"



"I don't actually know Harry. If I did I would have told you." I bluntly stated.

"Oh okay, Hermione I trust you," Harry said.

Ginny got up and walked over to the Slytherin table and started a heated argument with Draco and Pansy. She walked back and said," I yelled at Pansy and Draco to stop torturing you. As a matter of fact took  me aside and told me that he would try to protect you, Hermione." At that my mouth dropped to the floor.

"W-w-w-w-what? No that's not possible he hates me!" I said.

"But Hermione why would he risk telling that to me if he wasn't going to actually gonna try to protect you?" Ginny asked.

"Well it could be a ruse and he could protect me from everyone besides himself and curse me until I'm not sane," I said it like it should be obvious to everyone.

"Ginny she has a point," Harry told Ginny. 

Latter that day it was still calm. Calm before the storm? I couldn't know.

I was in the courtyard and saw Draco and his gang. "Go away Malfoy," I said harshly.

"Now why would I do that Hermione?" he asked perposly saying my first name.

"'Cause I had a calm day and you and Parkinson will ruin it!" I said.

" Oh Hermione. I won't let Pansy get in the way," he said as he moved to kiss me.

" No stop! Please stop," I pleaded avoiding saying his name not wanting to get embarrassed. He still kissed me and I flushed. When he moved away I covered my face and bolted down the corridor to get to my common room.

I found Ginny and said the calm was over. She then asked," Why? What happened?"

I flushed again and said," Malfoy kissed me in front of his gang!"

At that Ginny's mouth dropped to the floor then she said, more like yelled," WHAT? What did he do!?"

I answered quickly and quietly," He kissed me in front of Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson, Blaise, and Theo." I didn't realize that I said the first names of two Slytherins until Ginny pointed it out.  

The calm? No it wasn't calm it was torture. Well it was gone.

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