The Worst Sunday With Slytherins

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Sunday came quickly after yesterday and the question in the air. Do I like Draco? The answer is yes and I won't let anyone know that! Sundays are always bad for me at least.

Ginny woke me up with a," HERMIONE!!" She must still be pissed about yesterday.

I sat straight up about to curse when Ginny saw that she covered my mouth with her hand. When she uncovered it I asked," Why did you do that?"

" Well you haven't answered my question if you like Malfoy!" Ginny pointed out.

I sighed and pulled her on my bed and closed the curtains and said a charm so nobody could hear what I was about to say. I then answered her question," Ginny I do like Malfoy a lot." I was glad that I did d put the charm on the curtains because Ginny screamed.

Like screamed and said," What!?" Before I could answer that she said," You like Malfoy." It wasn't a question it was statement

I then asked," Why you tell Ron or Harry?"

Ginny said," If you tell me to I will if not. Well it isn't my secret to tell."

"Thank you Ginny," I said as I hugged my flame colored haired friend.

Ginny left my dorm so I could change and we could go to breakfast. I changed into a pair of jeans and a plain black shirt, and a pair of sneakers. I rushed down the stairs to see Lavender and Ron snogging again. I rolled my eyes and saw Fred and George. They walked over to me.

"Hey Hermione."

"Hi Fred."

"How are.."

"You?" Fred finished their question.

"Fine. Why guys?"

"Oh nothing we just heard you talking with Ginny." George said.

My eyes widened and pulled them out of earshot of anyone and asked," What the bloody hell did you hear?"

"Oh nothing much."

"Just that you like a Slytherin," George finished.

"Crap!" the boys watched with amused faces. "Why are Sundays awful!"

"Hermione we won't tell anyone!" the boys said looking hurt that I thought they were gonna tell someone.

"Whatever," I mumbled," I need to find Ginny."

Ginny wasn't in the common room so I went to look for her. I found her bloody and beaten near the great hall.

I ran to get help and was stopped by Parkinson and said," Move Parkinson!"

"Why Granger?" she asked.

"'Cause I said!" I yelled.

" Oh that's a shame. Why don't I call for Draco?" Pansy knew what she was doing. She the yelled," DRACO!" She screamed and next thing I know I see the blond hair of Draco running up to us.

"What Pansy?" Draco asked her and saw Hermione and straightened up.

"Draco she ran into me!" Pansy wined.

"I did not!" I yelled.

"Shut up mudblood!" Pansy told me.

Draco looked over at me, the pain in his eyes telling me to run. Which I did and I heard Pansy said," Catch her!"

I muttered," Why always bloody Sundays!?" as I raced back to Ginny and levitated her to the Common room. Always running not wanting to be caught today by the Slytherins. I ran to the opening and said the password quickly and got in the common room. Then the mob of Weasleys and the Potter came over to help me with Ginny. I explained everything and had to hold Fred back from going out there a hexing Malfoy and Parkinson.

Then I said," Why does it have to be Sundays? Why always bloody Sundays?" I got some questioning looks from the group of boys. 

"What do you mean Hermione?" George asked.

"Oh nothing. Just that awful things seem to always happen on Sundays!" I explained. Then I groaned, it wasn't even 9! Today was gonna be a bad day.

I went out to the library around 1 and Pansy was there and so was Draco. They pulled me out of the room and Pansy started to curse me using the cruciatus curse multiple times until a teacher came by. It turned out to be Flitwick and when he asked what happened I said,"Oh nothing to worry about just my time of month." He then left to check other corridors.

I ran back to common room again and was questioned again.

"What happened?" George asked.

"Parkinson used the cruciatus curse on and Malfoy did nothing. He neither stopped her at my screaming nor helped her." I said thoughtfully and saw that Draco was wincing every time I screamed. "Guys Malfoy was wincing at my screams while Parkinson laughed. What's that about?"

Before any of the boys could answered I got up and wen to Ginny's dorm to talk with her and to her everything. Thankfully the day was winding down and as a protection I had the Weasley twins escort me to dinner and from. They did it in the most funny way. They carried me over their shoulders.

"George Weasley put me down!" I yelled as I kicked and pounded on his chest.

"Come on you know you love it!" he said jokingly.

"Sure," I rolled my and the said," We are nearing the great hall guys! Put me down."

"No way! We are going to place you down at your seat and sit beside you to protect you from any curse Parkinson could throw at you." Fred said.

I looked around as the Slytherin table looked up at us because I was yelling at the twins and I saw Draco. His grey stormy eyes were as wide as humanly possible and his mouth dropped down to the floor.

"Guys!" I stressed and they laughed.

"Hermione! Stop worrying!" George said.

Thankful dinner was quick. But when it ended the twins picked me up much to my embarrassment. I threw a fit and finally stopped because I was exhausted and learned they weren't embarrassed to spake me. When I got to my dorm I changed and went to bed.

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