The Slumber Party

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"I'll only ask you once more! Why in the name of bloody hell are you here!?" I asked the muggle who did that stuff to me.

"Why in the name of Salazar are you here!?" he asked.

"Well I'm here visiting my boyfriend and his parents. Now why in the name of bloody Salazar are you here!?" I asked the muggle.

"You don't remember anything right?" he asked me nervously.

"Oh who are you... Of course I know what you did, what you look like, and what you smelled like!" I scream in his face.

He starts to cower when Draco enters." Hermione why in bloody hell are you screaming?" as he said that I pointed to the man in the corner." Hermione? Oh is this the guy that did that stuff to you?" I nodded because I can't talk, and then I point my wand at him."Hermione you may cast a spell on him because he isn't a muggle. He is a wizard."

I walk out of the room 'cause I couldn't hurt him or anyone and waited for Narcissa to come and talk with me.

"I'm so sorry you met that awful guy again. So what did you want to talk to me about?" 

"Oh I just wanted to tell you that all of us, Ginny, Pansy, and Blaise, are coming over. I thought you might want to know."

"Thanks Hermione. You may go find Draco and talk to him."

I walked slowly up the stairs and regretted it. When I opened that door Draco and Blaise were talking.

"WHAT DID HE DO TO MY SISTER!" Blaise screamed.

"Ow! Blaise calm down!" they hadn't noticed I was at the door yet.


"Hurt me in what ways, Blaise?" I asked the dark skinned wizard.

"How much did you hear?"

"Well, Draco, I heard Blaise shout about me getting hurt in ways I shouldn't have. So that most likely means you told him about that thing."


"I know but I need to make him suffer. He expects us to hurt him soon so, why don't we not hurt until he hurts someone again or later after he isn't sain," I suggested.

"That isn't actually a bad idea."

"Thanks, Blaise."

"Your welcome sis."

We then waited for the others to arrive. We heard the floo and rushed down the stairs to see who arrived.

"Ginny!" I squealed.

"Hermione!" The red haired girl jumped at the floo as we heard it rumble. It showed none other than my new friend Pansy.

"Hey Pansy! How are you?" I asked the girl as I hugged her quickly.

"I'm fine. You?" she asked me.

"I'm as found as I can be with all of you here," I told them.

"It is time for dinner!" Narcissa called up the stairs to us.

" Coming!" I shouted as we all ran downstairs to eat.

The dinner was amazing but, we had games like truth or dare to play.

We entered the Draco's room, quickly,  and sat down near the fire. " Hermione, truth or dare?" Blaise asked me.

"Dare!" I replied with a sly grin.

" I dare you to kiss Draco for 10 minutes straight! "

"Blaise you bloody idiot!" Draco yelled before I made him look into my eyes as I look into his gray ones. I lent in and kissed him slowly. He licked my bottom lip as if asking to enter, which I granted. Our kiss got heated quick and to soon it was over.

"Excuse me! What are you doing!?!??" Narcissa asked us. We were breathless and gasping for air. She seemed to get the memo and said, " Oh I get it! Have fun you five!" with that me and Draco finished our dare.

"Pansy! Truth or dare?" I asked the Slytherin girl.

"Hermione, what do you think? Dare!" the girl screams.

"Tell my mom that you broke her favorite vases!" Draco told her.

"Okay! I will!" she yelled as she ran downstairs.

We waited until we heard some one running up the stairs knowing it must be Pansy. She entered the room breathly and flushed. Just then Narcissa entered seething.

"Pansy! Did you really break my favorite vases!?!?!!!!" Narcissa screamed at the frightened girl.

"N-n-n-n-no! I didn't! I promise!" and with that Narcissa left us to ourselves.

We all started to laugh, "Did that really just happen?" I ask them.

"Yep! Truth or dare Ginny?" the Slytherin girl asked.

"Um, dare," the female Weasley said hesitantly.

I screamed out a dare first, "Kiss Blaise!"

Ginny's face dropped, she has had a crush on him forever and I just gave her a chance to start something. Blaise on the other hand looked like a kid in a candy store. He smiled as she went over and sat in his lap and kissed him.

They soon were over and the Griffindor girl, still sitting in Blaise's lap, asked Draco, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" he said rolling his eyes.

Ginny had a sly smile on her face as she said, "Say what you think of ever person in the room after taking a truth potion."

Draco quickly took the potion and sat down and started, "Ginny, I think that you like Blaise. Blaise, I know  you like Ginny. Pansy I think of you as a sister." Draco stopped talking. "Now who goes next?" Draco asked.

"You're forgetting someone," Pansy told him.

"Hermione, I love you and think you're so beautiful. I wish you are mine but, you are your own person," Draco told me. My mouth just hung open at that.


"I love you and-" I cut him off.

"I love you too," I said as I kissed him.

"Blaise truth or dare?" and it continued like that for a while.

We woke up to the sun in our eyes. I was next to Draco and had the urge to trace his face, but he woke up.

"Mornin' love."

I blushed, "Morning babe."

The rest of us woke up and we went downstairs to find Narcissa.

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