A Zabini

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I look into the mirror and scream,"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Hermione!" I hear from Draco. "Hermione are you alright?"

I look at the reflection in the mirror. I had black hair that was stick straight, Huge blue eyes, and perfectly round lips. My boobs were much larger and so was my butt. I had a flat stomach and looked like a model.

"D-D-Draco. Come in here now," I ordered him. As he walked in and saw me he drew his wand and his mouth dropped open.

"Bloody hell! There is no way in Merlin's name your a..." he trailed off and the called," POTTER! WEASLEYS! MOTHER! AND FATHER! GET UP HERE!" 

"Yes Dra......" Ginny started and stopped in the doorway when she saw me.

"Ginny? What's th....." Harry stopped when he looked at me.

"Let me through! I need to see what is happening!" Narcissa and Lucius said together as they made their way to the front quickly.

"Now what is the matter?" Lucius asked then," Bloody hell!"

"W-w-write the Zabinis' now!" Narcissa told Ginny and she quickly did as she was told.

"What the f***i** hell happened to me?" I asked.

Draco and the rest stared at me in shock cause they never heard me curse before.

Then Draco was the first one to snap out of it," Well one you are a Zabini and two I know about your curse. Three I know how to fix it."

I gasped," Really?!" 


Then the doors to our room flew open and entered Blaise and his mother. Well my mother I guess.

"Where is my daughter?" the witch asked.

They all pointed at me and I walked out. Blaise gasped and ran up to me and hugged me, and surprisingly I hugged him back. It felt good to be with my family.

"Hermione is that really you?" Mrs. Zabini asked.

"Yes. I'm Hermione."

"I can't believe it's really you! Your name is actually Hermione Jean Zabini," the woman told me.

"I-I-I can't believe it," I stuttered."Why did my aprences change?" I asked," Why did you give me up?"

"Well you changed because you are showing a different emotion than usual and you were near Baise more than usual. Two your father didn't know about you when I was pregnant. He only knew about Blaise and then you came out before him. We named you Hermione and gave you to a witch and a wizard who could not have children. When your father disappeared I asked for you back. They said no and they changed your appences and left so I couldn't find you until today." She told me and near the end when she said she found me.

"Really!? Why did father not want me ma'am?" I asked the witch.

"Oh please call me mom or Caterina. Also he didn't want a female as a heir or anything. He wanted a male." Caterina told told me.

"Thanks mom," I said as I hugged my mother. I felt another set on arms around us and I looked up to see Blaise. We were all in tears at the scene." Thanks Blaise."

At that Blaise looked up and nodded his head telling me to tell him later and I will. The day went by fast and I ment Pansy and we were friends almost instantly after we told her I was a pureblood.

Later we were helping Narcissa set up for the New Years party in 5 days and she asked," So Hermione, how are you after finding all that out?"

"I'm as fine as I can be Narcissa," I told the Malfoy.

"I'm glad my son found you," she told me.

"May I ask why?" I asked.

"Of course. Well he has been changing for the worst and when he meant you he went back to the better side of him. I thank you for helping my son in ways you don't know." The witch looked like she was going to cry tell me this and I rushed over to her.

"I can believe it. I love Draco and I know you do. I'm just happy that he is mine and I'm his," I told Narcissa.

"I just want to say thank you Hermione," Narcissa told me.

Later I went for a walk and I stumbled into Sirius. 

"Hey Sirius," I said to him.

He looked furious at me," What do you want traitor?"

"Sirius? What is wrong? I'm not a traitor!"I told the wizard.

"Yes you are! You are hanging out with those low lifes of death eaters!" Sirius yelled at me.

"W-w-w-w-w-what?" I asked bursting into tears. The one person I thought I could talk to other than Ginny just called my parents low life death eaters. When he realized why I was crying he came over to apologize.

"Hermione I'm so sorry! You're like a daughter to me and I don't want you to get hurt," he told me.

"Sirius I'm a Zabini." I just had to tell him.

"WHAT!??? YOU ARE A WHAT!???!" he asked yelling at me.

"One, OW! Two I'm a Zabini," I told Sirius.

"Let me process this information please. I will owl you when we can talk about this," Sirius told me.

"O-o-ok." With that he left and I left heading opposite ways. Once out of view I ran back to Malfoy Manor to tell them about this meeting.


"HE SAID WHAT!!????" Lucius yelled.

"He called you, Narcissa, and my mother low life death eaters," I simply stated.

"WHY MUST SIRIUS SAY THAT???" Lucius asked me.

"Lucius, I don't know. But after he said that he apologized and told me he would contact me to talk more about this," I told him as Narcissa and Draco entered the room.

"What the bloody hell is happening in here?" Draco asked.

"Well I encountered Sirius Black today and he said some things," I told him.

"What did he say?" Draco asked.

I told the story again and just like Lucius Draco said," HE SAID WHAT!???"

"I told you everything Draco. Can we just forget about this and eat dinner I'm starving!" I told them then kissed Draco.

"Hey! we weren't done talking about this!" he said laughing as I ran out of the room and he begun the chase to find me.




New chapter. Hope you  like this one. I mainly want to thank the song In My Blood for helping me through writing this chapter. I also want to thank pepsi for helping me through the long nights. I won't be on tomorrow barely in the morning so I won't have the update as soon. I hope you like the book so far. I just thought of this plot twist suddenly while writing the last chapter. Well I hope you like the book so far.

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