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It was the day after the Halloween ball and Ron was still pissed at me for letting it slip that he wanted to cheat on Lavender with me. It was not my fault that I love Draco either. Still Ron needs to get his portieres straight. 

It was was around noon when Draco found me in the library, studying, to get me for lunch. "Hey 'mione it's time for lunch!" Draco called to me.

"Coming Draco!" I told him as I packed my things to leave for lunch with Draco.

My friends, all except Ron, grew on Draco and Draco on them. That made me happy. The Slytherin table shunned him for being in love with a muggle born like me. So me, Harry, Ginny, and the twins let him sit with us at meals.

"Hey Malfoy," they sadly kept calling Draco by his last name," wanna sit with us again today?" George asked my man.

"Well my table hates me other than Blaise and Theo so yeah. Wait would it be work if I asked them to sit with us, cause it gets lonely being the only Slytherin over here?" Draco asked me with a smirk I couldn't say no to.

I replied," You have to ask Ginny, Harry, and or the twins."

"Ok. Hey Ginny, Harry, and Weasley twins," he called to ask them and they all came to listen," may I ask it my two friends from the Slytherin table to sit with us?"

Ginny was the first to reply," First off, when did you start calling us by our first names? Secondly I guess you may. It was the first name thing that put me over the edge."

The rest of the boys nodded in agreement to Ginny and Draco said," Thank you." At that the the whole Gryffindor table looked up in surprise. I watched as Draco walked over to his old table and came back with two other people. "Hermione, Ginny, Harry, George, and Fred. This is Blaise and Theo," he said as he pointed them out to us.

"Nice to meet you," Ginny said as she shook hands with the boys.

Then Draco turned to me and pulled the two other Slytherins with him. He started with," 'mione, this is Blaise and Theo. They are my mates from Slytherin." He turned to the Slytherin pair and said," Blaise, Theo. This is my girlfriend, Hermione." At this the pair laughed.

Blaise said," Nice on mate! You can't be telling the truth!"

Then Theo said," There is no way you are dating cause she is the goodie-too-shoes of out year. You Draco are the bad boy."

"So what? Love can apper out of nowhere! Also I love Draco and there is nothing anyone can do about it." I told them in a snarky voice.

Blaise snapped out of a trance that he had been in because of the way I snapped at the Slytherins and said," Wow! You should have been in Slytherin Hermione!" 

I blushed at that and Draco said," I got her inner Slytherin out! Blaise did you know that Hermione does break rules knowingly?"

The trance Theo just snapped out of snapped right back. Blaise looked aghast and said," Hermione? Is that true?"

as I was about to answer and I felt a hex on me and said," Owwww! Who did that?"

The Malfoy heir looked wide eyed at my hair and said," Hermione look at your hair!"

I grabbed a spoon and looked at the reflection and let out and groan and asked," Who the hell did that?!" I turned to Ron and saw him snicker. Ronald Bilius Weasley! How dare you! Undo this now!"

"Not until you break up with ferit," Ron sneared.

"Ronald Weasley! Undo Hermione's hair now!" Ginny was yelling now.

"Fine sis!" Ron yelled in his sister's face.

Later that day I was being clumsier than usual and realized that someone was casting tripping spells on me. I ignored it and continued and later I couldn't find my homework.

"Ronald Weasley! Where the HELL is my homework?!" I yelled. 

Everyone knew Ron was hiding my things and hexing me but no one could prove it. Today he took it to far and burned off half on my hair. 

"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY! YOU CROSSED THE LINE!" I screamed as I walked down to the common room.

When I got into the room people could see steam coming out of my ears and stepped out of my way giving me a path to my ex. He was cowering behind a coach.

I picked him up by his collar and screamed," RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY! LOOK WHAT YOU DID! YOU YOU YOU GIT! FIX IT!" 

He looked up and looked back down cause I apparently I looked scary as hell. I pulled him out of the common room to find Draco.

"Hermione! What happened to your hair?" my man asked.

"Ask the git," I said sourly.

"Weasley what did you do to my Girlfriend?" Draco asked.

"Nothing!" Ron said quickly and not looking at Draco.

"Weasel! Fix it!"

"Fine!" my ex told my boyfriend. He fixed my hair then I hexed the crap out of him and so did Ginny and Harry.

It was a couple days after the 'awful hair day' and Ron dared to speak to me again. He started," Hermione, I'm so sorry! I want you to forgive me for my behavior."

I shook my head," No Ron you messed up bad. I'm with Draco and there is nothing you can do to change. But I will  forgive you for your actions." 

Ron then walked away to pout by himself as Lavender came over asking," Hermione! May I talk with you?"

"Sure Lavender what do you need from me?" I asked.

"Well, um, is Ron a cheater? I want to get back together with him but I need to know that he would cheat on me." Lavender asked.

I replied to her question," Ron usually doesn't cheat-" I was cut off by a squeal.

"Thank you so much Hermione!" She then turned the way Ron left shouting," Won Won!"

Draco pranced over to me and asked," What did you say to make Lavender so happy?"

"Draco, I don't know. I told her that Weasel usually doesn't cheat."I told him.

He was shocked and asked," Hermione? Are you ok?"

"Yeah why wouldn't-" I was cut off because I fainted.

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