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look, i know losing someone you love-it's terrible. you shut yourself off. believe me, i know. but when you shut out pain... you shut out everything else, too

ECHO had been accustomed to what she loved being ripped away from her often

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ECHO had been accustomed to what she loved being ripped away from her often. It happened with her grandfather, Ellen, Jo, Ash, her father and uncle multiple times. She's used to it. But what happened was horrible.

She watched Castiel come out of the portal that the Devil's son had made. She was smiling and had ran towards him, but stopped short when an angel blade was shoved through him, and he dropped to the ground.

She couldn't even cry because she was in shock, but she had ran straight into the portal, knocking Lucifer over, and before she knew it, everything went white.

And when she opened her eyes, she noticed she wasn't in her normal clothing that consisted of jeans, a plain white top, and a flannel. No, she was wearing light pink pajama's, and she was in a room that certainly did not display anything she would ever own. Everything was girly and made her want to throw up.

Echo was beyond confused.

As she stood up from the unknown bed, she looked around the room, taking in the white wall, girly posters, makeup splayed across a makeup desk, and her eyes widened once she walked towards the mirror on her desk. She gasped and looked closer. Her eyes were no longer a blue color, no, they were a melted chocolate color. Don't get her wrong, brown can be pretty, but she had loved her blue eyes.

Her shaky fingers reached up towards her hair and frowned at the length. It stopped below her breasts. She didn't like the length when she was hunting because it would also get grabbed, so she had cut it above her shoulders, so she was baffled on how it was long right now.

Her now brown eyes landed on some polaroid pictures that was splayed across her mirror and on a board near it. It had many pictures of her, some when she was young, and some now. She had found one for her sixteenth birthday which was dated last year.

Echo gasped and but her cheek. Wherever she was now, she was de-aged, because the last time she checked, she was just turned twenty a month ago.

Moving away from the pictures, she glanced around at the room again, making disgusted faces and noises at all the girly colors and fluffy pillows.

She had never been a girly girl and the fact that she was raised by her grandfather Bobby, her father, and uncle most of her life, it didn't help her to like girly things. She dressed like a boy, acts like one, and she has a mouth of a damn sailor.

She had no idea where she was, why she was there or anything, and she was going to be prepared if someone was going to try and hurt her, because let's face it - she is a Winchester and she never gets a break.

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