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family stick together no matter what, through thick and thin

AS Echo made her way down the stairs, she watched in amusement as she witnessed her aunt Jenna throwing popcorn at the television, yelling out, "Scum ball

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AS Echo made her way down the stairs, she watched in amusement as she witnessed her aunt Jenna throwing popcorn at the television, yelling out, "Scum ball. Scum bucket."

"Who are you talking to?" Elena asked as she also made her way down the stairs, passing Echo who rose an eyebrow at the big box she was carrying.

Jenna pointed to the TV, saying, "Him."

"The news guy?"

Jenna sighed, rolling her eyes. "Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell. Did your Mom ever tell you two why I moved away from Mystic Falls?"

Elena laughed. "No way. You and him?" She tilted her head and stared at the television. "He's cute."

"If that's what you call cute, your eyes need to be checked," Echo retorted, going straight for the coffee where she quickly made herself a warm cup of joe.

Jenna chuckled, shaking her head at her niece, even though she was surprised by the words that came out of her mouth. "She is right. There's nothing cute about him." She turned the television off and turned around to face them. "What are you doing with that?" She gestured to the box Elena was going through.

"I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box," Elena stated. "Echo was suppose to help me, but..." They turned to Echo who had began to make a ham sandwich. "Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood that she would loan it to the Founder's Council for their heritage display."

Jenna got up from the couch and approached the box, picking up one of the many rings. "Is that Grandma Beth's wedding ring?"

Echo shrugged as Jeremy walked into the room. "Originally, it was Great-Great Grandma Mary's wedding ring." Pulling her eyebrows together, Echo looked down at the floor. Not only did she have two different memories from two very different lives, she also happened to be in a different universe.

"How much do you think this stuff is worth you know, like, on eBay?" Jeremy asked, picking up a pocket watch.

Elena took it from him, glaring. "You're not gonna find out."

"That stuff is Mom and Dad's," Jeremy protested, angry. "You can't just give it away."

Echo huffed, not mentally prepared for a family argument. She quickly stuffed her sandwich in her face, grabbed her coffee, and went upstairs to get ready for the get-together thing that they were having at the Mayor's mansion.

ECHO walked into the Lockwood mansion beside Jenna. She was practically forced to wear a dress — something she hasn't worn since literally forever. And sadly enough, Jenna had saved some dresses for her which happened to be pink.

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