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shes whiskey in a teacup

LATER that night, Echo had overheard an argument in Elena's room which was right beside her's

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LATER that night, Echo had overheard an argument in Elena's room which was right beside her's. It was Stefan's voice who she overheard for just a second before there was silence and then crying.

She had left her own room and went to Elena's to see if everything was okay and that was when Elena told her; Stefan was a vampire. Echo stayed in her room, comforting her, all the while thinking of ways to kill the one and only Stefan Salvatore.

BUT, her plans all changed once Elena told her that they needed answers, that she wanted answers.

And that leads them to where they are now, sitting outside the Grill with Stefan.

"You said you would explain everything," Elena said as her and her twin sat across the very vampire who could change their lives. "That's why I asked you to meet me and Echo here. When you Google "vampire" you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?"

"I can tell both of you whatever you want to know," Stefan said with a nod.

Elena nodded, swallowing thickly, and entwining her hands out on the table in front of her. "I know you eat garlic."

"Yes," Stefan said with a nod.

Elena narrowed her eyes. "And somehow, sunlight's not an issue."

The waitress walked over and placed their drinks down in front of them, and as soon as she was gone, Stefan spoke up, "We have rings that protect us."

That was the moment that Echo knew he was a different vampire than she was used to. "Crucifixes?" She realized that it was a good thing that Elena dragged her along because now she needs to know everything about this different type of vampire species so she knows what to expect.

Stefan shook his head. "Decorative."

"Holy water?"




Elena nudged Echo who sighed and nodded, allowing her to ask some questions. Either way, she'll get information. "You said you don't kill to survive."

Stefan nodded. "Animal blood keeps me alive, but not as strong as Damon. He can be very powerful."

"And yet you let him get involved with Caroline?" Echo asked angrily, clenching her hands into fists.

Stefan sighed and sat back in the seat. "Forcing Damon not to do something is much more dangerous, believe me."

"He was hurting her!" Echo snapped, her voice firm, shocking Elena. "He was feeding on her. He was somehow able to take away her memories of being bitten so that she never knew what was going on. All she knows is that she is scared of him and that something is terribly wrong!" She clenched her jaw. "Is that supposed to make it okay?" She could really use a knife or some sort of weapon to stab him with right about now.

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