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i will never turn my back on the people that need me

ECHO sighed as she walked to the front door of the Salvatore household, a cup of coffee in her hand

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ECHO sighed as she walked to the front door of the Salvatore household, a cup of coffee in her hand.

Damon had given her a distress call when she showed up at school, saying she had to come over immediately. She's sure whatever it was, could wait after, but he insisted she should come over now. 

She opened the door which was always unlocked and walked inside, closing it behind her. 

"Okay! I'm here!" she shouted, before sighing, "What's so important so early in the morning?" she grumbled to herself, taking a sip of her coffee.

She looked up to see Damon and Stefan, and... two Elena's? 

Her jaw dropped, causing all of the coffee in her mouth to spill out of it and dribble on the floor.

"Glad to see you again, Echo ," Katherine said with a smirk.

Echo just stared at them shocked, before turning to her best friend who shrugged. She sighed angrily. "When the hell did the bitch come back?!" She shouted, glaring daggers at the brothers sitting on the couch with Elena, Katherine standing behind them. 

"When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb," Damon explained bitterly.

Echo gave him a stink eye. "And you didn't bother to tell me this last night after you snapped my neck?"

Damon gulped nervously, going to defend himself against his angry girl, but Stefan cut him off. 

"How's that possible?" he asked his brother, changing the subject. 

"He's an Original. They have all sorts of special skills," Katherine stated bored. 

"We don't want you here," Elena snapped, and noticed that Echo was nodding her head along with her.

"You need me, Elena. You all do." 

lLike hell we do," Echo scoffed, downing the rest of her drink. 

"We all want the same thing — Klaus dead. Yet here you all are, running around like chickens with their heads cut off," Katherine stated, walking around the couch and standing in front of Echo.

Echo gave her a tight smile. "We don't need your help, and we don't want it." 

"And that's incredibly stupid of you," Katherine snapped, "Do you know where Klaus is? When he's coming? What he looks like?" 

"A: you don't know, and B: we can find out," Echo snapped. "You have no use here. Time do die!" She sang, stepping forward threateningly.

Stefan stepped forward. "Okay, that's enough," he scolded the Gilbert twin before turning to his the vampire. "She's right. If you know something, say it or get out." 

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