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sweet, but twisted. does that make me a candy cane

AFTER deciding that she had nothing better to do, Echo made herself a bowl of chocolate popcorn, made some coffee, and decided to have a movie night in the living room

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AFTER deciding that she had nothing better to do, Echo made herself a bowl of chocolate popcorn, made some coffee, and decided to have a movie night in the living room.

She already had everything set up, and now she was just waiting on Caroline to show up so they can have more girl time. After everything they have been through, and after Echo knowing she'll sacrifice herself instead of Elena, she needed this. They both did.

Upon a knock being heard at the door, Echo immediately thought it was Caroline, and simply said, "come in, everything is already set up!"

After a moment of nothing happening, she slowly got up, and approached the door. She opened it and peered outside. "Care?"

Shaking her head, she headed back inside, but arms wrapped around her, and she exclaimed in shock.

Her hunter instincts kicked in and she stomped down on the intruder's foot, and slammed her head back, and the person's nose cracked under the pressure.

The intruder snarled in rage and surprise as Echo ran up the stairs as fast as she possibly could. He grabbed her foot, and she fell harshly, feeling her sides hit the stair's and her head. She let out a yell before slamming her foot into his face, and she did it over and over again until he let go and tumbled down the stairs.

She got up quickly and ran towards her room, and locked the door behind her. Almost immediately, the intruder slammed against her bedroom door, and she made a quick beeline for the bathroom, closed the door behind her, and into Jeremy's bathroom. She locked the bathroom door and then ran out of her brother's room, and didn't even think about the stairs. She jumped over the railing and did a tuck and roll, and scurried to the kitchen.

She grabbed a big ass steak knife, and hid behind the wall, her chest heaving up and down too fast, and her mind was running with so many thoughts that she couldn't keep track. She didn't know what the hell was happening, who the guy was, or why he was after her.

All she knew was that he wasn't leaving this house alive.

When the man came around the corner, she went to stab him, but his hand caught her's right before the knife could stab him in the heart. He grinned and clicked his tongue before he bent her wrist back, making her drop the knife.

"A pretty thing like you shouldn't run with sharp things, you might hurt yourself," he taunted which lit a flame up inside Echo.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but can you wait to give me a lesson until after I kick your ass?" She slammed her knee into his stomach, jabbed him in the throat with her free hand, and twisted their bodies to where she slammed his head onto the island.

Shoving him up and over the kitchen island, Echo was quick to pick up the steak knife, slid across the island, and stab him in the shoulder with it. She then kicked him in the face, grabbed his arm, twisted it, and took out the steak knife before stabbing him in the neck with it.

He collapsed against the counter, and Echo grinned, her hands covered in his blood as she reached for another knife. She then stabbed him on the other side of his neck with the other knife.

"Bye-bye, now." She blew him a kiss before slammed his head down on the counter so hard that it twisted his neck. A loud pop was heard before his body went limp on the kitchen floor.

DAMON appeared in her bedroom, his face full of concern. "I heard about what happened. Are you okay?"

Echo looked over at him, chuckling, blood still noticeable on her hands. She even had some blood splattered on her face. But, she was smiling, and it was a weird sight to see.

"You should ask that of the dead werewolf who is now buried in my backyard," she told him, scuffing. "I had to go to the store and by some flower to plant over the hole so Jenna won't be suspicious. That douchebag made me waste money on him."

Damon couldn't help but chuckle at her. "You're one of a kind."

She smirked up at him. "Thanks."

LATER that night, instead of Caroline coming over, it was just Damon and Echo who had the movie marathon, and bonded more. They actually had a great time, even had a food fight, and had an argument who's team they would be on in Twilight which Echo found hilarious.

Honestly, Echo felt more comfortable with Damon than she did with anyone else in this world and it was weird seeing as she is a huntress and he's a vampire.

But, she didn't care.

Echo liked Damon and nothing was going to change her mind.

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