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yesterday is heavy. put it down

ECHO woke up with her alarm clock ringing loudly in her ears

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ECHO woke up with her alarm clock ringing loudly in her ears. Groaning, she rolled over in her bed and smacked it off, her palm pressing the button harshly. The annoying sound of the alarm finally went quiet, and she was beyond happy about that.

After waiting for what seemed like hours which was only mere minutes, she decided she should get up, and she threw the covers off, and headed to her closet.

Choosing an outfit for the day, Echo picked out black ripped jeans, a simple white T-shirt, a leather jacket, and paired it with white converses.

She turned to get a good look at her outfit, and she studied herself in the mirror. Her dark hair was in a simple braid, and she wore a little makeup to hide the bags under her eyes. After what happened with Caroline last night, she stayed up all night long, researching all she could about Stefan Salvatore but came up pretty damn short. There wasn't really anything on his life, not his parents, not his so-called brother that she has heard about, and not much on his uncle Zack.

And not only did she have to deal with researching things about Stefan, she had to worry about Caroline, all the while having nightmares about her old life anytime she closed her eyes.

Even though she has almost always had nightmares throughout her life, it was a lot tougher now because of the fact that she didn't have anyone to understand what she was going through. No one in this world knows anything about her, about how she feels, or what she thinks. She is completely different than the girl they remember.

Yawning and stretching her arms up above her, she forced herself out of her thoughts, and lazily walked into the bathroom. Once she opened the door to the bathroom which was connected to both her and Jeremy's bathroom, she jumped in shock.

Vicki stood there, brushing her teeth with her toothbrush.

Echo furrowed her eyebrows and just simply looked at the girl. "Uh...?" Backing away slowly, she closed the door, and frowned.

Confused and slightly weirded out, Echo made her way downstairs, raising an eyebrow once she saw Elena and Jenna in the kitchen, chatting. "Guys... are you aware of what's going on upstairs?"

"Uh-huh," Jenna said, not caring.

"And you have no objection?" Echo questioned. "I mean, I don't really care, but I thought since you're an adult and all..."

"He could be more craftier about it, at least make an effort and sneak her in and out," Jenna stated, chuckling. "Oh, just so you know, I won't be home for dinner tonight."

Echo smirked as she grabbed herself a cup of coffee. "Oh, so you're actually going to do it. You're going to go out with Logan." She rose an eyebrow. "What happened to 'scum ball'?"

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