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good heart bad temper

"HAVE you talked to Bonnie?" Elena asked Caroline as they walked down the sidewalk towards the school

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"HAVE you talked to Bonnie?" Elena asked Caroline as they walked down the sidewalk towards the school.

Echo was walking beside Caroline, holding hands.

"No, I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move," Caroline stated, shaking her head.

"Be the bigger person," Elena said, chuckling lightly at her.

Caroline sighed and went to speak, but Echo beat her to it by speaking up first. "Impossible in her presence."

"Why are you so pissed at her anyway?" Elena asked in confusion.

"She's a thief, that's why," Caroline said it like it was obvious. "I gave her my necklace, and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle."

"Hmm..." Echo trailed off, thinking of ways to steal the necklace from Bonnie.

"Alright, well, we tried," Elena said with a sigh. "We are officially out of it."

Echo perked up. "What? We? Uh, hell no. I'll make Bonnie give the necklace back even if I have to break her neck to do it."

Caroline smirked at the newfound energy that her best friend had. "Good." She then turned to Elena. "Now your turn. Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?"

"He's avoiding me," Elena explained.

Caroline looked confused. "Why?"

"It's complicated," Elena stated, shrugging, giving her sister a look.

The bell then rang, and the girls started to head towards the school just as Matt walked outside. When his blue eyes came in contact with Caroline's, he said, "Hey."

"Hey," Caroline said with a bright smile, but Matt continued to walk away.

Echo frowned in anger at the boy who clearly just hurt Caroline's feelings. "Um... What the hell?"

"He spent the night, but not that kind of spent the night, and he was up and gone before I woke up," Caroline explained, "I don't know, I felt something there but he's being weird."


Caroline nodded, her eyebrows furrowed, and she said, "Exactly."

The three girls then rushed to their history class, and Echo sat beside Elena and behind Caroline so that she could play with her blonde locks. Bonnie had rushed into the class just as the bell rang.

The new teacher walked in then, and said, "Good morning, everyone." He took off his jacket as he started to write on the board, and Echo couldn't help but find him rather attractive. Afterall, she has always went after older men.

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