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a girl who does what she wants and says what she wants

"THIS is a bad idea," Alaric told Echo and Damon as the three of them discussed the plan in the library

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"THIS is a bad idea," Alaric told Echo and Damon as the three of them discussed the plan in the library. 

"There's no such thing as a bad idea," Damon argued. "Just poorly executed awesome ones."

Echo rolled her eyes. "Ignore him," she to Ric. "Look yes, it's a bad idea, but it's the only one we got." 

"Well, then we need to think of something else," Alaric told them.

"Elijah wants Elena and you," Ric told her firmly, worry in his eyes. "Having him in the house with you is not exactly a good idea, plus I don't like the idea of Elijah being in the same house with Jenna."

"Jenna's will be perfectly safe," Echo told him, "Trust me. I will kill him if he harms one hair on her head." She then smirked and said, "Plus, don't worry about me, I can handle myself against Elijah." 

Alaric raised an eyebrow. "Yeah sure, a human against an original. How smart."

Echo shrugged. "Details," she said only for Ric to glare at her with a worried frown, causing her to sigh. "Look, last time I wasn't prepared, but I know what we're up against now. Trust me, if it comes to it. I can hold my own."

"And it's not gonna come to that," Damon assured, grabbing Echo's hand. She turned to him with a brow raised. "It's just a fact-finding mission. It's totally harmless."

Alaric stared at them with disbelief written in his eyes. "Just a fact-finding mission?"


Alaric gave them both a pointed look. "Listen, no sneak attacks. No surprise plans. Nothing that's gonna put you—" He said, looking at Echo. "Or Jenna in harm's way. Ok?"

"Scout's honour," Damon said, grinning.

Alaric nodded and then walked away, going to help Jenna with whatever she needed.

Once he's out of sight, Echo glanced over at Damon. "You were never a boy scout were you?"

"Nope," he said before gulping down his drink and walked over to the desk and opened the large wooden chest. He pulled out the vile of white oak ask and the silver dagger.

"So, did Katherine's information turn out to be correct?" Echo asked as she walked over to her best friend.

Damon looked at the dagger. "Yup, great job thinking of the idea for the dinner party, by the way. That was really smart," he complimented, leaning over and high-fiving her.

She smirked. "Well, I think be both know I have the brains in this friendship," she teased. "Which is why, I'll encourage the men to take their after dinner drinks in here where dessert will be served. While I have coffee in the kitchen with Jenna."

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