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i promise that i care much more than i show

AFTER finding out that Alaric had the journal - which was something that is suppose to help Damon find Katherine — Echo, Elena, and Stefan made their way to the school late at night

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AFTER finding out that Alaric had the journal - which was something that is suppose to help Damon find Katherine — Echo, Elena, and Stefan made their way to the school late at night.

Of course, Echo had no idea of Elena and Stefan's actual intention's with the journal seeing as the couple saw how close she and Damon were after their little road trip. To Echo, she didn't consider her and Damon friends, just allies who help each other out.

Once they entered Alaric's classroom, they started to rummage through it. Not even a few moments in, Alaric ran into the room, and shot a stake at Stefan who caught it.

Echo was quick to walk up to Alaric's and grab the weapon, and yanked it out of his grasp. She glared at him. "Careful. You could've hurt yourself." She smirked at him before backing away to stand in front of her twin.

Stefan made Alaric sit down as Echo inspected the weapon. "Is this compressed air? Did you make it yourself?" Alaric nodded which caused her to grin. "This is awesome!"

"Who are you?" Stefan asked. "I'm not going to hurt you...unless you try that again."

Elena glared at Stefan before turning to Alaric. "He doesn't mean that he's just a little cranky today. So please tell us who you are."

Echo handed him his gun back, and sat down on the desk in front of him.

"I'm a teacher." Alaric told them.

Echo rolled her eyes. "Thank you, captain obvious. Now answer the question properly please."

"I'm also a historian. And while researching Virginia, I - made a few discoveries about your town."

"So, you show up like Van Helsing," Echo stated. "Come on. Tell us the truth."

Alaric chuckled. "My wife was a parapsychologist. She spent her life researching paranormal activity in this area. It was her work that led me here."

"Where's your wife?"

"Dead. A vampire killed her."

Echo looked at the teacher sympathetically while Stefan continued to question him, "Where's The Gilbert Journal?"

"What do you want with it?" Alaric asks confused.

"Where is it?"

"It's on my desk."

"No, it's not."

Alaric looked over at the desk then back at Stefan. "It was on my desk."

"How long have you been aware of me?"

"I learned just recently. Not sure about you, though." Alaric gestured to Echo who frowned in confusion. "I saw you stake that vampire. Nice work by the way."

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