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you can take your peace, and shove it up your lily-white ass

OVER the past couple of days, Echo had gotten a whole new wardrobe that she was happy about, changed her room, and learned a lot more about the people that surrounded her

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OVER the past couple of days, Echo had gotten a whole new wardrobe that she was happy about, changed her room, and learned a lot more about the people that surrounded her.

Of course, she mostly did it all staying in her room. She researched the town and the people in it - specifically the Gilbert's. Apparently about a week ago, Miranda and Grayson Gilbert took a swan dive over a bridge. Elena Gilbert was in the car with them and was the only one to survive.

And by all the photo's in her scrapbooks, old Echo had a lot of friends - Matt Donovan, Tyler Lockwood, Caroline Forbes, and Bonnie Bennett. Echo researched each individual family and in conclusion - she was one hundred percent sure the old Echo was on crack or some shit.

Echo discovered that Tyler Lockwood was a douche that slept with many girls, Matt Donovan was a boring individual, Caroline was a shopaholic which made sense because of all the clothes that old Echo had, and Bonnie was stuck up.

Honestly, Echo probably will only like Caroline out of all them because she seems like she has a personality, and because she has a thing for blonde's.

You see, Echo takes after her father a lot - she loves flirting and having a fling every once in awhile. And just like him, she loved both men and women. She can't choose between them because she loves them both.

A knock on her door made her groan and cover her head up with a pillow. And when the door to her room opened, she let out a menacing growl, "leave before I stab you."

"Echo, we have school today," her twin's voice spoke softly, making Echo's eyes snap open. "What did you do with your room?"

The once white room with many pink things and girly posters, now had many black and red things, and had band posters like AC/DC splayed across it.

Echo pulled the pillow away from her head and looked towards Elena. "Huh?"

Elena frowned at her twin in worry. "Did your therapist say something?"

"Therapist?" Echo furrowed her eyebrows before clicking her tongue. "Nah. I just like this more."

"But pink is your favorite color," Elena pressed, watching Echo with soft eyes. She loves her sister with her whole heart and didn't know what to take with this new change. It was like a switch was flipped. "And you're usually already up by now."

Echo shrugged, pushing herself out of her very warm bed, shaking off her black booty shorts and tank top. "I don't know what to tell you, Elena. Now can you get out?" She walker towards her closet as Elena left, closing the door behind her. "God. Can I please sleep in for once?" She groaned in annoyance.

She picked out black ripped jeans, an AC/DC sleeveless shirt, a black and white flannel, and then a leather jacket. She wrapped the flannel around her waist, and placed the leather jacket on, smiling. She then reached down and grabbed a set of combat boots and a pair of socks.

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