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i'll survive, i always do

IT was the next day after Echo's breakdown and she was acting like it never happened, like she never showed her vulnerable side to strangers

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IT was the next day after Echo's breakdown and she was acting like it never happened, like she never showed her vulnerable side to strangers.

But, that's the thing. They weren't strangers anymore, not since she had these waves of memories from the old Echo. She remembered both of her lives, and even though they were so mix-matched, she still knew what was her life and what was her life. They were polar-opposites. The old Echo was smart, naive though, she trusted anyone who showed her any affection. She had straight A's, was a know-it-all but didn't like to show it, though.

The only thing that the old and new Echo have in common was that they both relied on people -- whether Echo liked it or not. And they were both too smart for their own good. Though, Echo Winchester wasn't book smart, she was street smart and knew how to survive in their worlds.

And that leads to where she was now. In class.

"World War II ended in... anyone got anything?" Mr. Tanner asked, "Miss Juan?" He then spotted Elena who looked completely out of it. "1945. Pearl Harbor? Miss Gilbert?" Echo looked up abruptly, but realized that he was speaking to Elena. "Pearl Harbor?"

Elena's eyes widened and she looked around the room, confused and panicked. "Um..."

And just like that, everything hit Echo like a head on collision. "December 7th, 1941," she answered without thinking, shocking herself. It was like all this information was transferred into her brain all at once.

Mr. Tanner laughed and said, "Wrong Gilbert."

Echo sat up straighter, narrowing her eyes at the man who seemed to have a growing hatred for both her and Elena. "You never specified, so I just assumed..."

Mr. Tanner opened his mouth, "ah..." He clicked his tongue and nodded. "The Fall of the Berlin Wall?"

Echo narrowed her eyes and tilted her head, feeling rather confident for someone who never listened in class. "1989." And there it was again — the shock. How did she know that if she never listened or studied. "Oh, come on, Tanner, please make it at least a little harder."

Mr. Tanner was red in the face by anger. "Keep it to the year," he stated, making Echo's smirk widen. "Civil Rights Act?"


"John F. Kennedy Assassination?"

"1963." She leaned back in her seat, getting comfortable.

"Martin Luther King?"


Mr. Tanner walked towards her slowly, irritated. "Lincoln?"


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