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when you lose someone, it stays with you. always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt

THE witch who Elena was with, immediately made fires start on the side of the path they were walking

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THE witch who Elena was with, immediately made fires start on the side of the path they were walking.

Elena narrowed her eyes at seeing two unconscious bodies on the ground. "Oh, god!" She exclaimed, rushing across the path, and towards her unconscious sister and aunt. "Jenna! Echo!" She checked both of their pulses, only to find that Echo was the only one with one. "No!" She shouted pa loudly that it jerked Echo awake.

Echo sat up, groaning, her head pounding before she met Elena's eyes. "You drugged me," she admitted before she saw the body beside her. "Oh, my god. Jenna!" She quickly grabbed her aunt, and looked up at Elena. "What — what happened?!"

Elena looked up at Greta as she spoke, "He killed her? Why? I did everything that he asked."

Jenna then shot up, gasping for air.

Greta looked amused at the look on Elena's and Echo's face, and said, "She's not dead. She's in transition."

"Ugh, my head. What's wrong with me?" Jenna asked, clutching her head.

"Do you remember what happened?" Echo questioned, biting her lip.

"You called me, Elena, you were so scared..." Jenna frowned, trailing off. "I should have realized it wasn't you." She sighed, realizing it was Katherine now. "The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me — a vampire." 

"It was Klaus." 

"He made me drink his blood, and I-I don't remember anything after that," Jenna explained. "Where are we? What happened?" she demands. 

"We're at the Quarry. He brought us here." Echo sighed, looking around at the forest area around them.

"Why don't I remember anything?" Jenna asked, once again.

"Jenna, do you remember how I told you someone becomes a vampire?" Elena asked cautiously. 

"Yeah, if someone dies with vampire blood in there system..." A look of horror crossed Jenna's face. "Oh God, he killed me," she realized.

"Jenna listen to me, everything is going to be okay. Echo and I will get you out of here," Elena told her, grabbing both of their hands.

"I'm a vampire," Jenna repeated.

"I bet you're hungry." Great smirked, walking down the steps towards them.

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