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don't set me on fire and then act like you're the one burning

"DID I miss something?" Elena asked as she, Bonnie, and Echo walked down the hallway of the school, seeing Caroline and Matt talking with smiles on their faces

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"DID I miss something?" Elena asked as she, Bonnie, and Echo walked down the hallway of the school, seeing Caroline and Matt talking with smiles on their faces.

"They've been hanging out," Echo stated with a shrug.

Elena looked confused. "Kind of weird, don't you think?"

"She needs someone nice like him," Echo stated, shrugging. "She deserves better, though."

Bonnie nodded and retorted, "As opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon."

"Yeah," Elena said, "How are you doing with all of that?"

"I'm freaked out," Bonnie stated, sighing. "Damon attacked me. I could be dead right now. But I'm also grateful. To Stefan. He saved my life, and... have you seen him?"

Elena took off her scarf as she opened her locker, saying, "Not since he told me he was leaving." Echo sighed and leaned up against the locker beside her sister. "For all I know, he's already gone."

"He wouldn't leave without saying good-bye," Bonnie told Elena in disbelief.

Echo shrugged. "He would if he thinks he's protecting her. Clean break and all that." Been there, done that.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Bonnie asked.

Elena shrugged and asked, "What am I supposed to do?" She sighed. "I already begged him not to go. If I ask again, I'm being selfish. It is what it is."

"Well, maybe it's for the best," Bonnie said as they all continued walking down the hallway.

Elena looked confused at that. "What? Why?"

"I mean, what kind of future could you have had with him, even if he stayed?"

Suddenly, the banner that two people were trying to put up fell in front of them, and it read: "The promise of your future."

"Did you just—" Echo was cut off by Bonnie saying, "No, I swear."

Elena pushed past the sign, and the two girls had no choice but to follow after their upset friend.

LATER that night, they were at the career fair.

"HIDE me," Jenna said as she and Echo walked towards Elena and Stefan later.

"What's going on?" Elena asked, confused, her eyebrows pulled together.

Echo sighed before sticking her tongue out in disgust. "The Scum Fell has landed."

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