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yes, its dangerous. that's why its fun

ECHO and Elena walked around the corner, seeing John Gilbert laying on the floor with blood all around him as he attempted to hold the wound on his chest

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ECHO and Elena walked around the corner, seeing John Gilbert laying on the floor with blood all around him as he attempted to hold the wound on his chest.

The twins rushed forward, and Echo, not being one to be squeamish around blood, grabbed a towel, and instantly putting pressure on his wound when she noticed that some of his fingers had been cut off.

"Elena," Echo said, turning to her twin, "Come here, hold this."

Elena rushed over and bent down, holding pressure down on the wound on John's chest. Echo stood, grabbing another towel as Elena grabbed the phone with her free hand, dialing 911.

The younger Gilbert twin bent down and wrapped the towel around John's hand where his fingers were gone, and attempted to put pressure on the wound. But, it didn't seem like it was doing anything.

Echo's head snapped up when she felt like someone was standing behind her. She immediately turned around and saw no one.

Elena continued speaking to the 911 operator while Echo grabbed the bloody knife off of the floor that looked like it had been used to stab John. She stood and Elena said, "O, what are you doing?"

"Stay here," Echo said as she held the knife tightly. She headed into the living room, looking around when she heard movement behind her. She turned around, seeing nothing, and walked back towards the kitchen when she heard the front door open and close loudly.

She then paused before saying, "Jeremy." She ran up the stairs, yelling, "Jeremy!"

Echo rushed into her younger brother's room, and saw him on his bed, appearing to be asleep. She dropped the knife to the ground as she rushed over to him, shaking his shoulders as she said, "Jeremy, wake up!"

Jeremy sat up gasping, and Echo sighed in relief.

"WHAT happened?" Stefan asked as he followed Elena up the stairs after the EMTs took John out of the house. He saw Echo bent down in front of Jeremy in his room as she looked up at him.

"He said that Anna gave him her blood, and then he took these pills," Elena explained as they walked into the room, "And now, I mean, he looks fine."

"But then again, so does every vampire we've ever met," Echo retorted.

"Come here, look at me," Stefan said as held the boy's face in his hands, looking his eyes.

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