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we're young, we're fine. let's do some damage

ECHO sighed as she sat beside Elijah

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ECHO sighed as she sat beside Elijah.

Elena sat up against the stone wall, fiddling with the dagger in her hands.  "How long will this take?" She asked.

Echo shrugged. "Didn't take him that long before. Then again, he was daggered for only half an hour, not a couple weeks," she explained.

Suddenly, Elijah woke with a gasp of pain and a crack of his spine, lurching forward, making the twins jump. 

Elena went over to try and calm him down. "Elijah, hey, it's okay. You're okay."

They watched as the dark veins and the grayness disappeared from his face as he looked at Elena in shock.

"Katerina?" He gasped.

"No." Elena shook her head as Echo held Elijah down knowing he was weaker due to being daggered for so long. "It's us — Elena and Echo!"

Elijah soon let his head fall, exhausted it seemed. But then he lurched up again in pain. He stood up, groaning and gasping for breath.  "I can't-I can't breathe!" he gasped and fell to his knees, weak. "What's happened to me?" He tried to run out of the room at vamp speed, but just ended up crashing into the wall. 

"Elijah!" Elena screamed in panic as she ran towards him, and Echo stood back, not knowing what to do.

"I can't... I can't be in this house," Elijah gasped.

That's when Echo realized, "You haven't been invited in." 

"You need to get me out of here!"

Before either twin could say anything, Elijah rushed out of the room and into another wall, before he's gone in an instant. 

Elena and Echo look at each other, before they rush after him and to the front door. When they got there, they saw him outside the door, crouched down, catching his breath.

It was daylight, so they had been waiting all night, it seemed.

Elijah glared up at the two, before trying to go after them, but is stopped by the force field. "What happened?" he asked them.

Echo stared at him with calculating eyes, glancing between her sister and him. "We'll tell you. But I have to know if I can trust you, can I?"

Elijah gave her a cold stare. "Can I trust you?" 

Echo sighed, before she looked at Elena, who held out the dagger to him. Elijah looked at it cautiously, before he took it.

ECHO pulled her car to a stop and looked to Elijah who sat in the passenger side. She glanced back at Elena who say in the back, a look of caution on her face.

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