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we protect those who cannot protect themselves

𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄we protect those who cannot protect themselves

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ECHO hummed as she sat at the kitchen table with Jeremy. While he was sketching, she was just watching him with complete awe. She has always had a fascination with art. She just never had time to do it.

The younger Gilbert twin hopped up from her seat, saying, "I'll grab the money. Jer, can you get the door?"

"Yep, will do," Jeremy said before opening the door

Echo ran up the steps, shouting, "Elena, we need the money!"

Elena ran down the stairs, exclaiming, "Move!"

Echo laughed at her and Jeremy headed back into the kitchen as the twins walked over to the door. The man looked shocked at seeing the two of them, especially Elena.

"Dude!" Echo exclaimed. "Pizza."

"Oh, yeah," he said with a chuckle as ge handed the pizza over while Elena pulled the money out of her wallet.

"Keep the change," Elena said, smiling as Echo opened up the pizza box and took a big whiff of it.

"Pepperoni pizza is the pizza for you and me!" Echo sang, taking a slice from it, and stuffed it into her mouth as she walked into the kitchen.

AT school, Elena gave Echo one of the rings Stefan gave her. The two of them are now walking with Caroline who was admiring her new necklace "It's so pretty. Thank you. God, it'll go with, like, everything. What's the occasion?"

Echo shrugged. "Who said there had to be an occasion, did you Elena?" Elena smiled and shook her head. "That is correct!" Caroline chuckled at her bestfriend. "Look — no occasion. Just a little friend gift."

As the three of them sat at one of the outside tables, Caroline gave them both a skeptical look "Lesbian friend necklace. 'Cause we're freaky Like that." She winked at Echo causing her to laugh.

"Friendship is important, right?" Echo asked, the words feeling strange coming out of her mouth. "So it's a gift to show... appreciation for that friendship. I think... I don't know. Ask Elena, she's better at the mushy stuff."

"Why are you both being so mushy?"

Echo looked over at Elena who turned to face Caroline. "Because you've been avoiding me, and I wanted you to know that whatever is going on with you and Matt, it's okay."

Caroline froze, trying to think of how to explain something she herself didn't even understand yet. "I was gonna talk to you about that. I was, but there's just not much to say. We hung out a couple times. That's it, but... I just feel like we've peaked as friends." Elena nodded allowing her to continue, "This is weird. I shouldn't be talking to you about this. It's weird. It's weird, right?"

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