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A few days New really didn't go to the library, as the rude guy ordered him. For several days, his studies turned into a disaster. The library was very important to him, as he had a few distracting things at home, which could interfere with his studies.
The first is doramas or movie series. If New wasn't busy studying, he would spend 12 hours a day watching them. Historical melodramas, detectives, dramas, comedy - the guy liked to watch different genres, sometimes imagined himself as one of the characters.
The second factor is sleep. The remaining 12 hours the guy would just sleep. He like to sleep, because every night he saw wonderful dreams, sometimes even interesting than movies.
And the third factor is his best friends, who, despite the fact that their apartments were in the same building, the guys preferred to hanging out in New's apartment.

Now, trying to read a book on business administration, New was constantly distracted by the couple, who sat on the floor in front of his bed and noisily played video games, commenting each of their actions.

'Dad New, help me to win,' Gun turned to New and began pulling his leg.

'Hey, don't ask for help, play by yourself,' Off sternly looked at the boy.

'I'm trying to read. And yes, I will not help you.'

'Why didn't you just go to the library?' asked Off without breaking away from the game, right now it was the most important moment, which should determine the winner.

'Oi,... if I could do this, I wouldn't be here with you right now.'

'Yeah right, but what’s the reason?'

'I can't tell you,' the guy didn’t want to involve his friends in it.

Knowing the hot-tempered nature of Gun, New understood that his friend would have run to find Tay to talk to him or maybe even fight. Off would run for Gun to make sure no one damages his treasure. And New would run after them both, worried that he caused the guys so much inconvenience. No, he can't tell them, New will handle the situation on his own.

'Ooooffff, lose the game …' Gun realized that it’s useless to ask New for help, his friend will not leave his textbook and decided to try to persuade Off.

'No, if I will lose, it will be an unfair victory. Do you want to win dishonestly?'

'I only care about winning, no matter what the cost... please… lose…' the guy approached Off's neck, his lips almost touching the guy's skin.

'If I win, I will do something special for you.'

'Tell me what you will do, and I will decide if the cost is high enough,' said Off.

Gun pressed his lips closer to the guy's ear.

'I'll give … you a blowjob,' the boy whispered.

Off cringed from the touch of wet lips. His neck and ears were a sensitive part of his body, and clever Gun knew this.

New pretended not to hear the obscene promise of his friend. He noticed a long time ago that these two have a strange relationship. It didn't look like the two of them were dating. But their communication with constant touches, and hints of sex, of course was different from the communication between friends.

After a couple of minutes Gun shouted happily.

'I won, I'm the winner! Off you lost, you're a loser!' the guy laughed pointing a finger at the guy.

'Okay I'm a loser. And now we go home,' he took the boy's hand.

'Hey, I don't want, let's play some more,’ Gun pouted.

'No! New needs to learn. Let's not disturb him,' Off led his young master to the exit.

'Of course, only now you understand, that I need to study, don't be so obvious,' New looked at his friend with disappointment.

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