First love

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There was a bitter-sweet smell in the air that made New feel dizzy. It seemed that the petals of unknown flowers were scattered throughout the apartment, and the guy sitting opposite New was ... 
Tay was beautiful!

His fingers touch the table, beating the rhythm of a simple melody. His gaze was focused on the laptop monitor.
With his stylish hair, Tay looked gorgeous. New's t-shirt was perfect for him, emphasizing the muscles of his chest and exposing the strong arms.

When Tay swallowed, New imagined how he touched the seductive neck, and then slowly licked a drop of sweat from his cheek. The innocent boy blushed and stared at Tay's lips. The older guy bit his upper lip, then licked the lower lip. Does he deliberately torture the innocent guy with his beauty and sexuality?

One look at Tay's lips, and New remembered their first kiss again. The body has a memory, it remembers gentle touches, as well as rough blows. New's lips trembled, and a shiver run down the spine.

But it seemed that Tay was not worried about the atmosphere of love and rainbow in the air.
Each cell of the younger boy's body was saturated with this gentle substance.
Stupid Tay paid no attention to the pink dust that floated around the rooms, nor to the sighs of the romantic guy sitting next to him, with a silly smile.

By the way, New was experiencing his first love. First love is always the strongest, most memorable. For the first time, mind and body experience such a combination of feelings, when emotions and thoughts often contradict each other.

Now New saw the world differently - more colorful, interesting, unusual. But if he looked closer and sniffed better, he would understand that ...

A bitter-sweet aroma fills the room, because the toasts prepared by Tay were burned. The older guy was very nervous. Yesterday New praised his food, so Tay should always cook like a chef to please his neighbour.
He wanted the boy not to be disappointed in him, and loved the dishes he cooked even more.

Nevertheless, he ruined the breakfast, but, to his surprise and happiness, New ate all the toasts and asked for more. Tay noted for himself that the guy has a good appetite and eats a lot, next time he needs to double the size of his dish.

In fact, what seemed like a melody to New was just the nervous tapping of Tay's fingers on the table. The older guy bit his lips seductively and swallowed, only because his mouth was filled with saliva every time Tay recalled New's lips.
Tay sat and sweated, afraid to look at New, for hours he stupidly looked at the same file on his laptop.

'Enough! I can't take it anymore!' Tay jumped up suddenly.

'What?' New flinched and scaredly looked at the guy.

'The weather is beautiful outside, but we are sitting in the apartment like a fools! Quickly change your clothes - we are going for a walk!' his hair was tousled, the right eye twitched. Because it's impossible to be in an doubting-nervous state. They need to do something, and do it now!

'I don't understand,' the boy looked confusedly at Tay.

'What you don't understand? Let's go for a walk. If you want, I can help you change your clothes,' Tay held out his hands and went to the boy.

'No! I will do it myself. I will be ready in 15 minutes,' he quickly disappeared.

Half an hour later the guys came out of the apartment.
There are a lot of people, houses, cars around them. But it didn't matter, it was only important that going out didn't help to cope with the boiling emotions inside.

'Erm ... where are we going?' New asked.

'I don’t know,' Tay answered, without hesitation, and took the boy by the hand. 

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