Useless guy

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'Sister, I need your help.'

The girl who looks like a model of an expensive magazine dropped a chocolate from the hands. She was one of those girls who ate a lot of sweets after breakup.

'Oh, my dear, I'm so glad that you came to me,' a pleased smile glow on her face.

'I come to you because I need a doctor's advice. I've been having heart attacks and temporary memory loss lately.'

'You know I'm an eye doctor, right? I can tell all about your eyes. Well, a little about the state of your soul. And now I see you're confused …' the girl carefully looked into his eyes, 'oh, I think you're in love!' she laughed happily.

'What? Don't talk nonsense!'

'Who is she? I know her? Finally, you're seriously interested in someone!' the girl clapped her hands.

'What?' the image of the useless guy emerged at his head. Tay's heart began to pound and he almost fell from his chair.

'Oh, dear, hold on! I know one doctor, even though I dislike him as a person, but he is an excellent specialist, he will definitely help you,' having seen the condition of her brother, the girl in a hurry began to dial the number. After a short conversation, the meaning of which Tay didn't understand, she kissed the guy in the head. When else will it be possible?

'He is waiting you in office 301, just be more careful with him, he is a very unpleasant person,' Alice screamed in the back, her brother was already leaving.

After hearing the patient's complaints, the young doctor was writing something on the paper, sometimes re-reading what was written. When Tay began to lose patience, the doctor gave him a prescription.

'You need to take these medications. And you must be under observation 24 hours a day. Let's start with two weeks. So we can understand what is happening to you. Do you have close friend or a girlfriend? Can someone be with you every minute?'

Tay shook his head.

'Unfortunately, without constant observation, I can't help you with your memory loss.'

Tay thanked the doctor, put the prescription in his pocket, and went outside.

“To be with me 24 hours a day 14 days means to know everything about me. I need a complete stranger, nothing should connect me with him either now or in the future… exactly!' the guy slapped himself on the forehead, 'the guy who's stalking me in the library. Well, this nerd will be the best choice! I must change tactics towards him. Perhaps the closeness with him will help to understand what is happening to me," he laughed, feeling a pleasant lightness in the soul.

It was the usual cloudless morning, and nothing foretold trouble.

Sleepy New arrived at the university early in the morning. After an indecent conversation between his friends, last evening, left alone, New decided to watch, no, not porn, just a historical melodrama. Since he didn’t sleep almost all night, the choice of morning drink was simple for him - black strong coffee to keep him awake during class. But to choose a drink for friends he had to think.

The guys had a tradition, who first comes to the university, must buy drinks for everyone. New loved to guess what drink is most suitable to his friends. Today for Off he decided to buy coffee without sugar, to make his face not so happy. For Gun he chose a very sweet vanilla milkshake to cheer up the boy a little.

'Good morning, take some,' Off put a box of cakes on their favourite table, 'I cooked a lot yesterday.'

'Oii, it's the cakes that Gun likes the most! Off, you spoil him too much. I think we should be more strict with him.'

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