One day with Tay

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Tay moved to New's apartment in the evening, as he promised.

'Is that all your stuff? And where are your textbooks and clothes?' asked New when he saw a small bag that Tay brought with him.

'I don't need textbooks. All knowledge is in the head,' he poked the guy with his finger in the forehead,' and on the Internet. You and I are almost the same size, your closet is full of clothes. That's why I won't be naked.'

'Why do we have to live in my apartment?'

'Because I'm sure you don't want to live with me. I live with my sister, who is now unstable after breaking up with a guy.'

New agreed, it was easier for him to live on his territory.

'You will be sleep in the living room,' New pointed at the sofa.

'No, I'll sleep in your room, because everything unexpected can happen at night,' he took a pillow and a blanket, not knowing the location of rooms in the apartment, the guy went straight to the bedroom.

'I don't agree. It's important for me to sleep alone, I can't sleep with someone,' upset New followed the guy.

'You can't sleep with another person? Are you a sissy? And what will you do when you start dating a girl? After sex, you're just gonna tell her to sleep on the couch in the living room?'

'Erm …' New hesitated, not knowing what to say. Maybe Tay was right. New was too careful about his sleep.

'Don't worry, I'm not gonna sleep in your bed, I will sleep on the floor.'

New cheered up. This guy still has a little conscience. But it wasn't for long. In the middle of the night New was roughly awakened by Tay.

'I want to go to the toilet, let's go together. You can stay near the door,' he squeezed the shoulder of sleepy New.

'Are you kidding?'

'Of course I'm serious. What if I lose my memory or pass out in the bathroom? Hurry up, or I'll do it right now on your bed ...'

'Oiiii! Okay!' the annoyed guy got out of bed and followed Tay.

Of course, this wasn't necessary, but Tay was so excited to make fun of that naive boy. His mind worked hard to make New blush more and more embarrassed. His innocence and obedience gave Tay an inexplicable pleasure.

The next day the guys went to the university together, none of them wanted to skip classes.

Off and New agreed that they wouldn't meet for some time in order to save Gun from talking with Tay.

'How will I look after you at the university? Our classes don't intersect,' New asked.

'I’ve thought it over. Come on, I’ll introduce you to someone.'

Two guys headed to the cafe.

'This is my colleague - Singto,' Tay pointed to the nice guy, who was sitting at a table and didn't take his eyes off the laptop, 'at the university, if you're not around, he'll be with me.'

'Oh, Tay I'm not a colleague, I'm a friend. I don't like it when you call me that,' the guy looked at New, 'is this the first-year student you told me about? Wow, he is cute,' Singto winked at New.

New confused and lowered his eyes. A stranger guy called him cute. Perhaps it was necessary to answer him rudely, but New decided to remain silent. He didn't want to ruin his life even more.

'So what about the information on the latest W23 request?' Tay asked.

'Nothing yet. Yesterday I used the guys from group B, but there is still no information from them,' Singto replied.

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