I missed you

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'I bit his shoulder last night! Why did I do this? I hate that I can't control myself during my memory loss. And my heart! When I'm with this guy, my heart is fine. But as soon as I'm not near him, for example, in the classroom, and my companion-friend is interested in how this first year guy is doing? My heart is beating like crazy, and the image of this guy will not disappear from my head until I see him ... and the funny thing is, I find him sweet, he's so innocently embarrassed, when I make fun of him. And his surprised face, so lovely, so... Oh, I can't love a guy! I definitely like girls! I can't fall in love with this worthless guy, although he doesn’t seem so useless to me any more. He is smart, he has his own point of view, he ... Doctor, what should I do!?' Tay asked in a despairing voice.

The young doctor, all the time that the emotional dialogue lasted, didn't take his eyes off the patient.

'I'm afraid to upset you, I can't help you with your emotional state. But I want to explain something to you. Your mind does its best to prove to you that you don't like this guy. That's why you treat him badly, constantly bully him and want to humiliate or embarrass him. But your subconscious or your soul is of a completely different opinion. Your soul is trying to show you, that you care about this guy, you are interested in him. Therefore, when the soul takes over the mind, you lose control of yourself. That's why you have a memory loss. And from what I just heard, you're interested in him as a partner in sex.'

'Oh…' Tay was concerned, everything he heard he didn't like.

'Perhaps the reasons for this are hidden very deeply. Now, I recommend to stay in the same conditions a couple of weeks and see what happens,' the doctor's eyes narrowed slyly, as if he was participating in an interesting experiment. And two test subjects were about to do something for which actually the whole experiment was started.

Tay came out of the office. He has to convince New to stay with him for another two weeks. His thoughts were confused. "Maybe it's time for me to stop thinking and start listening to my feelings. Oh, am I a girl? And why do I care about his reaction? I have to scare him again, that's all! Oi, because of New I forgot that I have important things to do!"

When Off asked him to find out about Gun's secret, Tay became really curious about what this kid was hiding, that even his childhood friends didn't know. It was a really interesting task for the last six months. Recently, his small organization has only simple queries. Girls and boys asked them to find out if their boyfriends or girlfriends were cheating.
But to find out Gun's secret it's necessary to use the best connections and the most secret information. 

Their small group consisted of Tay, Singto, and everyone who had asked them for help before. For their help in different situations guys get not only money. The people that Tay and Singto are helping today will be their helpers in the future. So their network of informants grew every day.


After classes two guys didn't hurry to return to the apartment. New sat at a table in a cafe, in one hand he held a cup of tea, in the other a textbook.

Opposite him sat Tay and stared at his laptop all evening. New and Tay have been living together for several days. It was as if the two lovers had finally become brave and decided to live together. But the guys didn't look like lovers at all. After talking to the doctor, Tay avoided looking at New. The guys hardly spoke to each other.

'Hello,' sleepy Off came to them.
He looked tired and depressed.

'Hi, Off, is something wrong?' asked New.

'How's Gun?' the guy asked, ignoring the question.

'I don't know, I haven't seen him in four days. After your last visit to me ... Off, what happened?' New quickly got up to help Off to sit on the chair, at that moment the guy began to look even more pitiable.

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