Start again

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The young doctor took the documents from the shelf with the information about patient No. 138.
He absolutely didn't want to go home. Today he was in the mood of a man whom no one was waiting for at home. He stayed at work, because only at work he is needed. His patients need him.

Tay's case was interesting. The actions of the guy seemed to resemble the actions of a person suffering from a split personality. But judging by some of the tests he took, and analysis of their conversations, Tay had no other personality.

The doctor didn't believe in stories about a soul mate, about the union of two parts of the soul into one, about fate and so on.
As a man of science, he knew that love is just a chemical reaction that occurs in the body. This is adrenaline, serotonin ... and many other medical terms that are responsible for the formation of such feelings as love.

But the incident with Tay made him wonder, what actually causes all these chemical reactions. Why did Tay start to react so strangely to the guy he never knew? Let's call this guy an "object."

Why do memory losses occur only near the "object"? And why is patient behavior becoming more dangerous? During the memory lapses, Tay wasn't a different person; he was still the same Tay, but at the same time he was different.
The young doctor thought that everything seemed complicated and simple at the same time, but he resisted to accept the truth.

It was unbelievable, but Tay recalled his past life in which he loved the "object". 

He loved the "object" so much that, having met him in his present life, he fell in love again and wants to be as close to the "object" as possible.

The doctor closed his eyes tiredly and admitted to himself that he finally wanted to fall in love.


At this time, in another part of the city, the patient No. 138 offered the "object" to have sex.

After Tay's words, New realized that he needed to escape from the apartment. Gun’s apartment was closer. But did he have a chance?

The escape was complicated by his position on the bed. The side of the bed he chose was farther from the door. The boy cursed himself for relaxing. He completely forgot that Tay might have a memory lapse.

Tay quickly took off his t-shirt and shorts. Although the room was dimly lit, New could see the guy's excitement. Of course, New did't look at the cock of the guy in front of him, but the fact, that Tay was very serious, made a strange impression on New. He wanted to stretch out on the bed, close his eyes and agree. Agrees to accept Tay, unite with him, merge into one. He agreed to love each other all night, without leaving the guy's lips, not to part with Tay for a minute.
New covered his face with the hands, afraid to show his desire and incredible shame.

While one guy was worried, experiencing all shades of embarrassment. Another, more insistent guy put away the blanket, lay down next to New and whispered:

'I don't want to hurt you …' he ran a finger over the boy’s chest.

New was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling faster and faster.
Tay's gaze was unrecognizable, harsh and kind of bestial. Will New's first sex be with this Tay?
This wasn't the guy who kissed New on the bench an hour ago. The guy in front of him will remember nothing tomorrow.

'Haha, Tay, tomorrow ... I promise that we will have sex tomorrow …' the boy tried to sound at ease.

'You tremble ... are you cold?' Tay asked, stroking the frightened boy on the cheek, 'I will warm you,' he took the boy's t-shirt and pulled it.
New did't move.

'Raise. Your. Hands. Up,' demanded Tay.

'Will I be warmer if I take off my clothes?' the boy asked timidly.

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