Happy right now

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Several weeks later.

Gun was arguing with Tay again.
New, ignoring the heated discussion between his best friend and the beloved boyfriend, enjoyed a delicious dessert.
Off looked at his little boy and thought: “Let him argue about the little things, prove his point of view. It would be worse if he was silent and didn't pay any attention to Tay.”

Tay probably has the same opinion. His happy face made it clear that he liked talking to Gun, although they almost always yelled at each other.

Off looked around.
This place on earth can be called an ideal place to relax. But because of the two loud voices of the guys, it was too noisy. And the clatter of dishes from the side of the table where New was sitting - was annoying. The sun heats the head, which means that even in the shade he can tan.

It's good that Tay invited them to his home for the summer holidays. No one even suspected that he had grown up in a small town. His house was designed in a traditional style, there was a large garden, fresh air, delicious homemade food.

Gun and Off have a separate room for two. Tay's family didn't even ask how long the guys would be staying, or why they were sleeping in the same bed and holding hands all the time.

Off looked at New. The guy finished with a large portion of the pie and stared with interest at the arguing guys. After a delicious meal, he wanted an interesting sight.

Tay argued with Gun, definitely enjoying the process.
Sometimes he deliberately said stupid things to anger the mischievous boy. Sometimes Gun was ready to attack Tay with his fists, especially when he realized that he was wrong, and wanted to throw out his anger.
Of course, Gun will not quarrel with his perfect boyfriend. Who will hold the umbrella over his head? Gun's delicate skin is not at all adapted to the rays of the hot summer sun.
And of course, Gun will not quarrel with New, because the guy skillfully does a foot massage. Everyone wants to get a massage from him.
Gun got 20 minutes of the session, as opposed to 10 minutes for everyone else. The boy had his own privileges because he shared various useful information with his friend, who was new to sex.

With Tay Gun can scream, get angry and show his displeasure. If Tay’s grandmother joins the conversation, he’d better be silent or agree.
These two managed to make friends, so sometimes they can spend hours in the kitchen. Grandma cooks, Gun helps, and they both, of course, talk about everything in the world.

New stared at smiling Tay and thought it might not be very polite to ask for more food.

Gun spread his arms as if showing the size of something. It must have been something very important to Tay because the smile disappeared from his lips and the guy frowned.

'Just imagine - this size to put in the hole. It's very uncomfortable!' Gun said with anger.

New's eyes widened in surprise. Of course, the words were taken out of context, and what the guys were talking about all this time, New didn't listen. Apparently, Off didn’t listen too. He didn't even flinch, but simply sat with an impassive face.

'Perhaps it's too much,' Tay said and scratched his head, 'I will definitely tear it up.'

'I tried to explain this to you for an hour. And you are still thinking about what to choose - metal or rubber. Of course, rubber!' the boy said excitedly.

'No, metal is more beautiful ...' Tay muttered.

'I give up!' Gun raised his hands with an expression of complete misunderstanding on his face, 'I just can't talk to you anymore.'

'What are you guys talking about?' New asked timidly.

'... nothing interesting…' Tay hesitated.

Gun didn't answer at all, he was already busy with another, more important task - to shop online with Off.
The boy pointed to the screen and looked at his beloved, who shook his head. It was clear that Off didn't approve of the choice of his cute boyfriend. Gun again ran his finger over the phone, leaned over to Off's ear and whispered, so that only the owner of the ear could hear him.

'The first is a birthday present for Tay, and the second is for New.'

'But the date is not soon,' he whispered in response.

'It doesn't matter, I want to give presents now.'

Off stared at the phone. The phone rang a couple of times, announcing a successful payment. Gun kissed Off on the cheek.


'This will not be enough, you will thank me at night,' Off said louder.

Gun grunted and stroked his beloved person's leg coquettishly.

'I can't get used to your flirting! Can you stop showing everyone your love?' Tay asked irritably.

'Oh, you're just jealous! Because you want to hug New too,' Gun laughed.

'You know, I can’t. We even live in different rooms,' he said, offended.

'You can come to him at night,' the boy said and winked.

'Thanks, Gun, for the advice! I would never have guessed it myself, of course!' Tay said annoyed even more and waved his hand. 

New looked at the empty plate and rubbed his flushed cheek.

Gun laughed and imagined Tay's lonely figure wandering around the door at night, begging New to open it.
And on the other side of the door, New suffers from the inability to open the door. He bites his lip so as not to respond to Tay’s request.
Gun knows his friend well and is confident that New will defend his principles - no sex in Tay parents' house, where the walls are as thin as a sheet of paper.

But in fact, it turns out that Gun doesn't know his friend well or New has changed, but Gun didn't notice this.
The one who sneaks into the room at night was modest New. He knocked timidly and asked to let him in, supposedly wishing Tay good night, hug and kiss him on the cheek. Reckless Tay stood on the other side of the door and beg New to return to his room. Unlike his boyfriend, Tay knew that he couldn’t just hug and kiss on the cheek. He will certainly touch New's soft lips, go down to kiss him on the neck, hug him tightly, push on the bed and love him until morning.
And as everyone already knows - the walls in the house are very thin. So the guys have been tormented for several weeks, not having the opportunity to get privacy.

Gun and Off have come up with so many different ways to make love without arousing suspicion. Gun offered to put the blanket on the floor.
The body will ache from a hard surface, but no one will hear the creak of the bed.
Off convinced his boy to keep a slow pace, which should prevent loud moans. Quiet groans and breaths shouldn't flow out of the room. The guys really hope so.

Off looked at his friends.
After Tay and New told that they knew each other in a past life and were not just friends, but lovers, they became very proud, believing that they were special, their love was the best, strongest, time-tested, and so on.

Off's and Gun's love is also unusual. They had to deal with fears of the past together, overcome misunderstanding.
And, of course, their love also stretches from the distant past. For some reason, Off was sure that in his previous life Gun was a real prince, and he was an adviser to the prince. Because the status of a servant no longer suits Off.

Off patted the boy on the knee. Gun didn't even pay attention to it but was fascinated by the choice of gifts for friends.
Tay and New looked at each other, not embarrassed by the silence around.

Off looked at the guys and thought, that despite the difficult trials they had to pass, they are happy. They are happy at this moment because they are not alone, each of them is connected with his beloved, his part.
As if one whole organism was divided into two parts for an unknown reason. These two parts can be very close - in a neighboring house or at a distance of a thousand kilometers from each other. Each part is significant and independent. But still, the two halves are looking for a way to meet, complement each other.

And happiness to those who can find the missing part of themselves and again unite into one.

The end.


Thank you all for reading ❤️
All the best and take care of yourself.

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