Love from the past

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'How was your exam? Did you pass it?' New asked, and looked at Tay with concern.

'By the way, that's just hurtful,' Tay grunted and sat down at their favorite table in the cafe, 'did you doubt that I would pass all the exams?' he asked, not hiding the resentment in the voice.

'I had no doubt ... I was just a little worried,' New bowed his head down and scratched it in confusion.

'I was sure that you would pass all the exams perfectly. You are a smart guy,' Tay said and despite the fact that he knew the whole assortment in the cafe, he immediately began to study the menu.

New wanted to say something, he opened the mouth, but grabbed a glass of sweet drink and quickly took a straw in the mouth.

This conversation was the longest on the last day. All day their communication was limited to simple words of greeting, short phrases about the time of the meeting in the cafe.

New was still embarrassed by his proposal to have sex. He tried not to look into Tay's eyes. But in those rare moments when their eyes met, he quickly looks at his black hair or lower the eyes to the wet lips. Then his anxious gaze went down to the Tay's neck, to the dimple in this throat. New instinctively licked his lips and scolded himself for the shameless fantasies.

Suddenly, Tay raised his eyes, looked at the guy, or better tell, at his lips, which were funny folded, and slightly cleared his throat.

'I have to go to another city,' he said calmly.

New's eyes widened, the mouth opened in surprise.

'Why?' the first question his confused mind thought of.

'I promised my sister to visit parents. It will not be long. I haven't had a memory loss for a long time, so your control is not needed,' Tay muttered, noticing that the guy in front of him was nervous.

'For how long?' his voice dropped.

'For a week,' Tay said guiltyly.

New sighed heavily.

'Hey, don’t worry, the week will pass quickly. Gun and Off will be with you ... they definitely won’t let you get bored,' he smiled and covered the boy’s hand.

New flinched slightly, feeling the warmth of someone else's hand. He didn't doubt the sincerity of the words, but ...
"He is just running away. He definitely runs away from me," New thought, and smiled sadly.

In the next morning, Tay packed his things and left for an unknown destination. He gave New a timid hug and closed the door behind him.

New was lost in restless thoughts. Maybe he will never see Tay again. Despite the fact that the guys are studying at the same university, Tay can go to another university in any city in the country. He can move, change his mobile phone number, and that’s it ... Tay was in his life. Tay is no longer in his life. A young guy who is not burdened with family, responsibilities, loyalty - can easily disappear into the vast world.

"It's so easy to leave me... " New thought, lying on the sofa, which for the second day served as a place to eat, a bed for sleeping, and an incredibly convenient place to think about life. Sometimes he exploded in anger directed at Tay, who left him, which New no longer doubted. Sometimes he wondered why fate was so unfair to him.
Gun was surprisingly not worried about him anymore, and this led the guy into confusion because now Gun's care was very necessary. New deliberately didn't call his friends, he didn't want to disturb two lovebirds.

In one of these days of sadness and longing, with thoughts about why Gun could come to his house at any time of the day, New decided that he couldn't bear another day of loneliness, he got up from the comfortable sofa and went to his friend.

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