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'Aren't you afraid to leave your baby with New?' Tay asked, when it became clear that New stayed in the bedroom with Gun.

'Of course it's okay, they're best friends,' Off answered.

'You and Gun are also best friends, but I don't believe in your friendship … haha,' Tay laughed and friendly shoved the guy in the shoulder.

Off forced himself to smile. 
All day he was nervous, hesitated and didn't know how to ask Tay a question that had worry him for several days.

'You want to ask me something?' Tay saw, that Off was sighing heavily and occasionally glancing at him.

'Yes, I want to ask ... do you really know the secret of Gun?'

'No, I lied,' Tay answered calmly and looked at Off, who, from a worried best friend, turned into a sad best friend.

'But, if you want, I can find out.'

'How much money do you want? Ask for anything you want, just find out about Gun …' Off lowered his head and fell to his knees in front of the guy.

'Oiii, stop it! I don’t need your money. It would be better if you do me a favor. When I need your help, you will help me without asking any questions.'

'Okay, I agree.'

'Well, tomorrow my colleague Singto will contact you to discuss the details and sign the necessary papers. And don't be afraid, no one else will know about it. But I can't guarantee that no one will get hurt as a result of our work. Do you accept these conditions?'

'Yes, anything,' Off said without hesitating.

His heart was beating fast. 
Can he really find out what happened to Gun? Or maybe it's better not know this? No, he has decided everything, he must know, because ...
For what and why should he know this? The knowledge about this will not affect what's happened to Gun. He can't change the past. Will he change his attitude towards the guy? No matter what happened to Gun in the past, Off will not change his feelings for him.
Having learned the details of that event, he will also suffer as Gun, experiencing the pain with him?
No. It's impossible to experience the same pain as another person, just because you are not him. Off can only sympathize, to support, but that's not his experience, it's the experience of Gun.

His gloomy thoughts were interrupted by a cheerful laugh.
Gun ran into the living room.

'Oooofff, let's go home, I want to eat,' he said not paying attention to Tay, and hugged his friend by the neck.

'You're taking your doggie? Well, that's too bad. We had a great time together,' Tay looked bored.

Gun shuddered. Now this jerk wants to take him? No! Gun will not give up so easily! He wanted to answer something rude to Tay, but at that moment Off gently stroked his cheek.

'Please, calm down, don't quarrel with him, let's go home, I'll cook whatever you want.'

Gun smiled, and unexpectedly took the taller guy by the hand.

The guys decided to spend the night in Gun's apartment. They said goodbye to sad New, it seemed that he didn't want to be alone with his new neighbor.

Today Off was shocked by the behavior of the boy. All day Gun hugged New. He held Off's hand until they entered the apartment. He didn't start a fight with Tay, although it was clear that he wanted to. And now, standing in the kitchen next to Off, the boy helped prepare the food!

And it didn't matter when he washed the vegetables, he practically washed himself from head to toe. After the first attempt to cut a carrot - he cut his finger, and instead of a small spoon of salt he added to the food a large spoon of sugar.
Off had to quickly redo the recipe.

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