One day with New

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"Ha-ha, stop it, you're tickling me..." New tried to push away the face of the big black dog from his neck.
But in a dream, the body doesn't always obey its owner, and his resistance was considered as gentle stroking and approval of actions.
The dog just stuck out his rough, wet tongue, and licked the guy in the shoulder.

"Ha-ha, don't do it ... ahh ..." New's hand touched the dog's wet nose and soft hair on his face, which began to turn into a guy's face. New didn't know who it was, but he knew for sure that he loved this man, and from this knowledge the warm, viscous and sweet wave of emotional arousal passed through his naked body.

In a dream, the desire for sex is felt, as in real life, and often even stronger. In a dream there are no moral rules imposed by society. There are no taboos, no embarrassment, no words like ugly, bad, immoral.
In a dream rule body and soul, and the most unspeakable desires.

New moaned from the touch, right now his skin is several times more sensitive. The person caressed his neck, and the guy with every cell of the body felt this pleasant tenderness.
An unfamiliar guy slightly bit his neck.
New's body was relaxed and didn't want to resist.
One more bite. New enjoyed every gentle bite and tender kiss on his neck, on the ear, on the shoulder...

One more bite...

"Ah!" New almost shouted, the pain passed like an electric discharge over his body, the guy held his breath and cum.

New woke up early in the morning. He remembered the dream and his feelings, the guy felt ashamed, because his underwear was wet. He finished from strong pain, even if he experienced it in a dream. He thought it was abnormal. 

Luckily, Tay wasn't around. His shoulder hurt a little, but New didn't pay attention. He wanted quickly go to the shower to wash away the marks of the night adventures.

But Tay suddenly entered the room. He didn't put a towel around his waist like normal guys do, when they get out of the shower, if there is more than one person in the house in which they live. 

Drops of water flowed over his muscular body, his hair was wet and funny sticking out in different directions, but at the same time he looked very attractive. New froze. No matter how stupid and rude this guy was, he was still pretty handsome.

'Why are you blushing? Like an innocent young girl, haha. Never seen a naked guy before? It's a dick,' Tay pointed the finger to the area below the belly, 'when I get excited it becomes bigger,' the guy said with a grin.

'Shut up,' New threw a pillow at Tay. The guy skillfully caught it with one hand. 

He pulled a t-shirt and New's shorts out of the closet, slowly dressed and turned to the guy.

'Why don't you get up? Are you going to sleep all day?'

New was nervous, he couldn't get out of bed right now, otherwise the guy opposite would be laughing at him.

'Oh, and what is on your shoulder? A bite? Haha ... '

New looked at his shoulder and realized why it was hurting. There was a tooth mark on the skin. And from the dark red color, it was clear that the one who left it was not gentle, someone had put force to that bite.

'You had nothing yesterday, who did this? It's just you and me in the apartment.'

New looked at Tay with an expression on his face: please think better!

'Do you think I did it? It's impossible ... '

'Maybe it was your memory loss? Or how is it properly called?'

Tay didn't know what to say. Of course, he remembered nothing. Tay always had everything under control. It can't be, no, not with him. The realization that he couldn't control himself made him angry.
He wasn't himself, he was someone else ... for a moment he felt fear. What if he does something worse than a bite?

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