Is it easy to love?

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'Gun, stop pretending to be sleeping, we are leaving in ten minutes. You have to get dressed and eat …' Off whispered in the boy's ear and stroked his hair.

'No ... I don't want to,' he muttered sleepily.

'But we have to…' Off kissed his boyfriend on the forehead.

'I will kiss you 10 times, and we won’t go,' Gun covered his head with a blanket, naively believing that Off wouldn't bother him.

Off thought that the offer was very tempting, but the voice of reason said, that he must attend classes at the university, get an education, and then find a good job, so that his beloved could afford everything he wants in the future. Although his rich parents love their only son, and no matter how selfish and spoiled he may be, they will not leave him without money. Gun must be a worthy heir, and Off must always be at his side.

'Gun, we must go to the university. Come on, I will help you get dressed,' he said softly.

'30 kisses, and we stay in bed all day,' the boy's voice sounded more cheerful, but he was still under the the blanket.

'You can't stay in bed all day. In a few minutes you will want to go to the toilet.'

'I don't want to,' he crawled out of his hiding place and stubbornly looked at the guy.

'You will,' Off yawned. 



In a few minutes.

'Off, I want to go to the toilet, take me there ...'

Off smiled, got up from the bed and leaned over the short body.
Gun hugged his boyfriend by the neck, and threw the legs around his waist. 
With a heavy load, breathing in his ear, Off went to the toilet.

'Don't leave me,' Gun said and got to his feet.

Off looked at the boy questioningly.

'Today you will do everything that I command you,' said the boy in a strict tone, crossed his arms over the chest and looked at Off a little insolently.

Off wanted to say, that he already does everything Gun tells him to do 24 hours a day, but he was silent and thought about the possibilities that might open before him if he agreed now.

'I agree, but with one condition - next time you will do what I command you,' he said, expecting the boy’s unpredictable response.

'Okay,' Gun said without hesitation, 'now take off my shorts.'

'Yes, my master,' Off knelt in front of the short boy, pulled off his shorts, and stared at the cock.

'... you can order me to hold this part of your body, when you will …' the tall guy paused and blushed.

'No, I can do it myself.'

'Oh, as you please,' still blushing and excited by his own suggestion, Off continued to look at his boyfriend's cock.

It wasn't a lustful desire to touch the naked part of the boy's body. It was an opportunity, without sexual intentions, to touch the part of the body that Gun protects so much. But it will not be so easy with Gun.

What was happening was awkward and exciting at the same time. Of course, Off wasn't a pervert, but to be with the boy, when he is going to start pee ....

'Maybe … you want me …  to leave you alone...?' Off stammered.

His face was flushed, and the whole body felt unbearably hot. Heat that made him hard to breathe. 
The boy nodded.

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