Trust you

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'How could he do such a bad thing with New?' Gun asked irritably.

Off nodded his head for the hundredth time and agreed, that Tay was a scoundrel, who needed to be punched in the face and forbidden to be near New.

'I'm against their dating. I will find a suitable girl for New ... or a guy. For example, do you like this guy?' Gun handed the phone to Off.

'He is nice' he looked at the photo.

'Do you like this guy?' the boy asked excitedly.

'I like you, and he's just nice. Gun, don't put your cute little nose in their relationship,' he kissed the boy in the nose.

'You don’t understand ... Tay did ... this is ... terrible … because ... I ... know …' the boy was thrilled and confused.

'Gun, everything will be okay,' the tall guy took the boy's face into the hands and looked into his eyes, 'please get the bad thoughts out of your pretty head. Everything will be fine with New. He has friends. And we will help him if he needs our help.'

Off spoke in a quiet, calm voice as if lulling a child. Gun, excited by the painful event with New, began to calm down. Off's calmness and confidence were what he needed now. The guy's emotions were transferred to Gun through their eyes, touches, the timbre of the voice.
Gun seemed to be immersed in a substance consisting of Off's care and attention, invisible to the human eye, but at the same time very solid.

The boy smiled and nodded. But Off saw the boy's eyes glisten. And he didn't always like the mischievous twinkle in this beautiful eyes.

'I don’t want to stay at home today, let's go to a night club,' said Gun sternly.

'I want to stay at home. Let's watch …' Off began to speak in a frustrated voice.

'No! We are going to a club.'

'Gun, we will stay home …' obviously, the guy wanted to use the same tactics on his boyfriend again. 
He lowered the voice, trying to sound as convincing as possible. 

But the spoiled prince is back. And such tricks will not work with him. Gun’s orders are not discussed, they are executed immediately and with a smile on the face.

Off sighed. He didn't want to go to the club. The experience of visiting night clubs in the past exhausted him both physically and mentally. The guy didn't like to run after Gun all night make sure that he doesn't get into a fight. If such trouble happened, then instead of Gun, Off would receive a fist in the face or listen to unpleasant words. 
He saved Gun many times from accidental, unnecessary acquaintances. The tall guy cared for a drunken body, never taking advantage of Gun's unconscious state to please his lust.
He hoped that funny events would leave their new life. Gun could mock childhood friends, but now Off's status is very high.


On weekends, as usual, there were a lot of guys and girls eager for fun and entertainment. 

To Off's disappointment, there were no free tables, which meant they had to sit down with someone. Another reason Off dislikes the clubs, and perhaps the most important is a large number of strangers. These unknown people always looked at Gun with interest and curiosity.

It's completely unclear what a handsome guy might think about, looking at Gun all the time while the guys are standing by the bar.
Off shuddered at the stupid thought. He quickly took the boy's hand, kissed the top of his head and looked proudly at the impudent guy. Let everyone know that a cute boy is occupied and occupied for a very long time.

Off was looking for a suitable place, suddenly saw a familiar face and a guy who waved a hand intensely. He didn't immediately understand who it was, but Gun joyfully shouted: 'Krist!', and pulled the guy to the table.

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