Ripe cherry

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After New confessed he might like guys, his friends sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Off, as the most sensible in their small company of friends, decided to break the silence.

'Maybe your friend doesn't like all guys, but only this particular guy,' he looked at Gun, in his case it was just that.

'Oh…' New tragically gasped and covered his face with the hands.

'New, don't worry …' Gun tightened his arms around the guy and put the head on his shoulder, 'boy or girl, it doesn't matter who your friend loves.'

'But …this guy is the worst person my friend knows. He always makes fun of him ... Oh, he has such beautiful eyes ... He is rude and only does what he wants ... my friend gets goosebumps from his whispering…' New immediately felt goosebumps.

Off realized more and more that his friend had fallen in love.
Gun sat blinking, wondering how anyone could fall in love with jerk Tay.

'New, your friend needs to meet a girl, go on a date with her. So, knowing someone else, he will be able to compare. And maybe he will know how he feels about this guy,' said Off sitting down next to the upset guy.

'Oh, my friend has never date a girl, he is shy and scared,' New answered excitedly.

'Your friend wants to understand his feelings!? Gun suddenly became serious.


'Okay! Everyone, listen to my order! I will find a girl for New. I have some friends on Facebook. Off, don't look so surprised. Yeah, I know some girls. New, enough lying about your friend. We already understood, that everything you just told us, was about you,' he tightened his grip, because New wanted to escape from the hands and run out of the room in shame.

Off was pleasantly surprised by Gun's courage and his non-childish behavior.


'Be quiet ...' the boy put a finger to New's lips, 'I will not let this idiot Tay joke with you. You will go on a date and find out, you are mistaken about him,' Gun said and New tensed.

Off opened his mouth in confusion. Today, he discovered another character trait of Gun. So strong and forceful his dear boy had never been.

'... okay,' said New hesitantly, 'we will discuss everything later. I have to go now, I think Tay is looking for me. I didn't tell him where I was going,' the guy got up from the sofa and hesitantly went to the door.

'Gun, you should have been softer with him. New was depressed,' Off said, when the front door closed.

'I was gentle. New is confused, and we must help him. Hey, actually you have to support me in everything today and obey me,' the boy said with a displeased face, 'now take me to bed.'

'As you wish. On hands?'

Gun nodded, hugged the tall guy by the neck and with his help threw the legs over the waist. He pressed the mouth against Off's lips in a kiss.
Off almost hit the wall. Completely absorbed in the kiss, trying to keep the persistent guy in his arms, he headed into the bedroom.


The day of New’s first date has come.
He strictly followed Gun's plan.
His friend planned everything New should do. After all, this is his first date, and everything should be at the highest level.

First, the clothes. Looking in New's closet, friends decided to buy him new clothes for the occasion.
It's not good to go on a date in a pale pink t-shirt with a ninja cat.

'Hey nerd, where are you going to classes or on a date?' Gun asked, when New suggested wearing black pants and a white shirt. 
So Gun was responsible for turning New into a dream guy.

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