Bad part

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New walked anxiously from room to room, waiting for Tay to return.
He wanted so badly his new neighbor to come as soon as possible and with a good news.
The door opened and New quickly rushed to Tay.

'Have you found Gun? How is he? He's okay?'

'Calm down, everything is fine with him. He is with Off.'

'Tay,' New stepped closer and hugged him. He was really grateful for the help.

'Oh, what are you doing?' Tay removed New's hands, which wrapped tightly around his neck.

'Thanks, for the help ...' New pulled back and smiled awkwardly, he only now realized, that because of the emotions he had done something very embarrassing, clinging tightly to Tay's body.

'Why so blushed?' Tay laughed, 'you're not hugging a girl! Or for a virgin like you, even a hug with a guy causes an embarrassment.'

'Yes, I'm a virgin, why do you care so much?' unexpectedly for himself and for Tay, New asked, 'you always call me innocent. What's wrong with this? I don't sleep with strangers! Maybe I'm waiting for my soulmate!'

'... I'm sorry, maybe I was wrong ...' Tay was confused.

'You should be grateful to me that I agreed to live with you. Am I rude to you or did something bad? Why do you humiliate me at every opportunity?' everything that New has accumulated over these days has been said now without regret.

Tay was silent, he really didn't know what to say. New was right, but Tay didn't want to accept it. He lowered his eyes down and walked past New, to the bathroom.

After such an emotional day, New couldn't fall asleep, he was tossing and turning in bed, remembering how he put his arms around the guy's neck and pressed the whole body against him.
He remembered the warmth of Tay's body and the smell of his skin. He remembered how Tay had roughly taken his hands and pulled back in surprise. But in this embrace there was something tender, something kind and so familiar ...

His thoughts were interrupted when the door to the room opened.
New heard Tay enter the room.
New heard the guy's footsteps approaching the bed.
New felt Tay's breath near his face.

New was lying still, not knowing why, but his heart was pounding with fear.
New held his breath.
It seemed to him that a terrible beast, a monster was breathing in his face. And if this monster realizes that New is alive, then the guy will be eaten.

Tay moved away from the guy's face. New sighed and at that moment he heard the pitifully creaking of the bed from the weight of someone else's body. Tay climbed on the bed and suddenly removed the blanket from New, and pressed his legs with the hands.

New covered his mouth, he was ready to scream with fear. Tay's hands slowly slid over the guy's naked legs, rising higher and higher.
For a second, the room was lit up by the light from the window, and New saw Tay's face. It wasn't Tay. It wasn't his new neighbor.
It was someone else. In Tay's eyes was the excitement of a hunter. The smile on his lips made New want to hide under the blanket and not get out until morning.

Until this moment, New was afraid, but now he was in a panic, and was almost panting. He realized that no matter what he said to Tay, the guy wouldn't hear him.
Should he hit Tay?
Tay allowed New to use force. If the guy cannot control himself, then New must stop him.

'Don't be afraid,' whispered Tay.

And these words made New dizzy. The whisper was so pleasant, so seductive.

Tay put his hand on New's cock and squeezed it. Through the fabric of the shorts, New felt the hot palm, and this made him sigh loudly.

His fear mixed with the excitement. About a month New couldn't satisfy the needs of his body, and now Tay's whisper and the hot hand on the cock, excited New instantly.

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