Spoiled child

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After Tay's words about revealing his secret, Gun got scared.

"Does he really know? No, it can't be!"

He was afraid that his family and friends would find out that he was a dirty, dissolute boy.
In a panic Gun run into the apartment.

"Dirty, dirty," the words sounded in his head like a throbbing pain.
The guy in a hurry took off his shoes. On the way to the bathroom, he quickly and rudely took off the shirt, breaking a few buttons.

'Ouch!' trying to remove his pants, he got confused and fell to his knees. Almost crying from his own clumsiness, sitting on the floor, he somehow pulled off his pants and crawled into the bathroom.

"I have to wash off the dirt, I have to ..."

Cold water slightly cooled his excited body. Gradually, the boy began to recover and only the sound of the water reminded him of the day when he turned from a nice, obedient boy into a spoiled, selfish young master.

He realized his power over his parents when he was about 8 years old. One day, on Gun's whim, his personal driver was fired without explanation.
The servants in Gun's house whispered that the young driver, who had recently begun work, had simply asked Gun to fasten the seat belt. The boy didn't like the fact that an ordinary servant ordered him to do something. It became clear that Gun began to show character and gradually turns into a spoiled child. But only Gun and his driver knew what really happened.

Usually after school, the driver of one of their families took Gun and Off home. On this rainy day Off felt bad. It was the only time in his life when the boy got sick. Although he insisted that everything was fine and he could go to school today, but his caring mother left him at home.

Little Gun was bored sitting in the back seat of the car without his friend and he got in the seat next to the driver. During the trip, the boy enjoyed every traffic light and discussed road signs with the young servant. When the car drove out into an unfamiliar, narrow street, Gun didn't pay attention, he was too busy studying traffic rules, because when he grows up, he will definitely drive his friends on one of his father's expensive cars.

When the car stopped in a strange place, Gun was puzzled, the young servant smiled.

The driver wasn't quite sure what he was going to do. But this child seemed so innocent. With his big beautiful eyes and delicate skin. The servant put his hand on the boy's leg. Gun froze, not understanding what was happening. A moment of silence seemed like an eternity to him.

Then a large warm hand touched the naked part of Gun's body. At first, the boy was frightened, but when the hand movements became more and more gentle, Gun began to feel an unusual sensation in the lower abdomen.
Growing up in a strict family, he attended an expensive school and communicated only with a good children as he, the boy was protected from certain aspects of life that he didn't need to know at his age. Childhood should be a childhood - naive, kind and carefree.

Perhaps that is why at the age of 8 he didn't know that this part of his body could grow in size, and he could melt with pleasure.

'Don't be afraid, soon you will feel good,' whispered the young driver.

Gun couldn't say a word. He was almost gasping, struggling with a sense of fear and pleasure.
When the white liquid poured over the servant's hand, the driver laughed.

'Oh, and you turns out to be a very filthy boy. So dirty ... '

The words like a needles stuck into Gun's mind. He pushed the driver away, opened the door with the trembling hands and jumped out of the car.

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