Love = Real

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All I ever hear about is love.

The hugging and kissing is what most people say "love" is.

But my love for someone is different,

and they don't know about it.

You could say I'm one of those see-through mirrors.

My view of you is magical but there's none of me.

It's as if I'm not there,

and you look right through me.

When my time is spent you.

Even in the night where the only thing in the sky is that moon.

I feel alive and happy.

All of my stress and worries go away.

We could be around each other for hours,

and each second becomes better.

Anytime I'm with you.

My life becomes prodigious.

I've met many people throughout my journey,

but out of everyone, you're the only one who stands out.

Your body language and smile speaks for itself,

and so does your curiosity.

No matter what you're doing.

You stop to secure me.

Nobody has done that for me before,

and I sincerely appreciate it.

My version of love can never be compared.

Rather if it's a relationship or friendship.

It doesn't have to be physical or mental.

It just has to be real.

September 26th, 2018

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