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To my dearest best friend,

I will forever mourn over you.

If I could say one last thing to you,

it would be all of my secrets.

Your hugs were like comfort.

Your words are what made my broken heart seal.

I'll never forget your blue eyes;

they were the only eyes who saw the real me.

Every time I play the piano,

I think of you.

You poured your emotions into each black and white key,

while your voice told the stories.

I'm sorry I couldn't keep the promise I had made.

I tried my hardest to make you happy.

You're always on my mind,

no matter what I'm doing throughout the day.

I remember texting you for advice or writing letters about my feelings.

You never judged me;

you only tried to help me.

Now all I do is read through our old conversations.

You are the only person to give me a real nickname,

but it's because I'm clumsy.

I love and miss you.

I'll forever be your "Grace."

July 16th, 2019

November 22nd, 2017 - Fly High

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