J.A. & Imagination

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I am in love with someone without them knowing it.

It's not always about the looks.

The smooth, comforting words that are used.

Instant replies to my messages.

I would have never thought I would blush over a text.

"Can you text me as much as possible just to tell me how you're doing?"

He makes me feel like I'm important;

I'm needed in someone's life.

But what would happen if I didn't know him at all?

No more 2 A.M. conversations about how much our lives are hell,

or compliments on my personality and looks.

I've lived without knowing him before.

In my dreams,

a guy who was shy and had light colored eyes would show me what love is.

I never wanted to wake up,

because all I had was him through a phone screen.

If only I could reach for him,

and run away somewhere far from here.

This is what love feels like,

when it's all in your head.

June 26th, 2019

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