Voodoo Doll

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Why do you always make me feel like shit?

Is that your goal in life,

to see how much you can hurt me?

It's a constant bash of negativity.

You put me in the ground,

and bury me with dirt.

I'm never watered;

I'm not able to bloom.

There's so many people who stab me in the back.

It's a never ending list,

and currently there's more being added.

Assumptions is all I am.

"You're such a worthless bitch."

"Get lost, nasty fucking slut."

"You really are childish."

"You're pretty terrible."

"Quit being a cunt."

Get over yourself and realize you ain't nothing but a joke."

"You're fake."

"Go fuck yourself."

Sometimes I wish nobody knew me.

Sometimes I wish people would give me a chance.

Sometimes I wish I was lost.

How am I suppose to start over with a leash around my neck?

I'm like a Voodoo Doll.

When someone wants to mess with me,

I get poked with needles.

There's times where I'm cut with a knife.

Open your eyes.

Can't you see I'm human too?

I have feelings,

just like you.

July 19th, 2019

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